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Posts posted by wht_scorpion

  1. And? If you have an accident with an IWB holster it will take out your hip. Which would you prefer?

    Keep your booger hook off the trigger while holstering and there won't be any accident.

    (The smartcarry holds the pistol in front of your junk, not pointing at it - an AD/ND will shoot the ground between your feet)

    Great my balls will become a back stop for the bullet LOL

  2. Reread the article. They are not saying that New York passed a law making it legal. What the article is saying is that the current law does not provide sufficient wording that causes viewing to be illegal.

    What they are saying is a ruling against some convicted pervert is getting reversed on appeal because nowhere does it say that viewing falls into the above categories. The scum never downloaded the images so therefore gets off on a loophole in the law and the way technology works. The guy is no less guilty but he payed for a good enough lawyer and just as it is in any part of our society he has payed for his freedom. I am sure that the wording of the current law will be fixed very soon.:nono:

    NY laws still suck

  3. *sigh*

    So yeah, the smart carry works out ok but it's slow to draw and you have to wear your belt a notch or two loose so you can pull your belt forward and draw. It actually hangs like a cup so the muzzle hangs lower than your important bits. For me the only time it prints it the heel of the grip causes a small bump about 2" under my belt on my right side halfway between the zipper and the pocket. Even if someone notices it it looks like a pen or something in my pocket. I don't even notice the pistol while it's there unless I sit down. Don't expect to be able to draw while seated so car carry is not suited to the smartcarry.

    I prefer the IWB, though, for faster draw and versatility.

    This holster will take out your johnson if you have a accident.

    How do you sit down without hurt the other peace you carry

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