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Posts posted by wht_scorpion

  1. I heard their was a real D-Bag running that road in that area

    I went there 3 times and every time I would stop at a rest area park the bike walk to the building and their was a cop sit behind my bike. then he would leave. I was say to my self what the hell. When I reg. my bike in this state I ask the Inspector if their was any thing on this bike that was not up to law and they told me no. Because I would change it.

  2. Consider this scenario: surfing amateur Web cam porn. You can't know for certain the age of the sluts on those videos, and maybe you click on one and then feel that the girl is underage, so you click away from it. That video is still in your cache. I can see how this law would potentially protect someone from a prison term who obviously doesn't deserve it.

    Yeah but here you do that in this state you are fucked

  3. I thought that if you had an Ohio license all you had to do was mail your info along with 20 dollars to PA and they would mail you back your permit.

    Nope they change the laws inperson now

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