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Posts posted by wht_scorpion

  1. well thats cute you guys and good to hear

    but all I do is ride poorly, eat greatly and sleep like a baby when I'm down there to maximize my awesomeness. The woman is doing the right thing and going to some spa weekend with her best friend so she gets her fun while im away doing my thing. I'm like a peacock,{<---Fixed} I need to stretch my wings and fly

    Had to fix some thing BAD

  2. Every body has option about thing this is how we learn about others. But if we would have to move back to NY for any reason she will always have a job with the backing of the degrees from college. Now for rad tech if she don't like rad tech she could always fall back on a RN degree. She shadow at a hospital here and one of the techs had no degree in any thing what the hell. She really like the hospital work. She like to learn both sides of the fields.

  3. hopefully things open up for her and my wife in the next year and everyone wins...rad tech isn't easy there was nurse in her class and she said the nursing class was far easier than the rad.

    Shes looking to get her rad tech and then go back to school for RN nurse for her resume. that way she could work in any place apply for both position.

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