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Posts posted by Bigbird

  1. I had a yellow 2003 Spec v with some bolt-ons. Fucking miss that car so bad, slow as it was. The Focus ST is kind of the modern version of it. Torquey and fun for a 4 cylinder, but not that fast.


    I'm sure you know about the butterfly valves. Also, the 2002s had shorter gear on (I'm pretty sure) 2nd gear. And I'm also assuming the header you have on is catless. If not, change it out for a catless one ASAP!

  2. Oh, also when I got my Security+ I downloaded an app on my phone with lots of flashcards. I crammed on those for like a day and was good to go. Something to check out if you decide to go for Net+, I'm sure they'll have an app for that too.
  3. I don't know you personally, but I've seen you post about networking for a long time. Skip Net+ and get your CCNA. I know it's Cisco specific, but I think it's a more highly regarded cert. I've been told you can find some really good "study guides" (look up CCNA pass for sure) online. You may have to pay for these, but you'll be more than prepared for what's on the test...so I've been told.


    I've taken a military CCNA "level" course, and am hopefully going back for the CCNP "level" course next month. Then I'm going to study up and get my real CCNA, then branch off into data center, security, etc.

  4. The windows he was shooting from were facing 2 different directions




    If I had to guess, this explains the difference in sound in the video. I'd say he had two "perches" setup and just went back and forth shooting already loaded weapons.

  5. I tried this last year with the 7, and there's a lot to like about the X (specifically the gesture based UI), but ultimately I couldn't do it. I still just found iOS to be TOO restricted for me. The giant grid of apps is just too much clutter for me.


    Even if I could just make the apps grid from the bottom-up, rather than top-down, that would be a step in the right direction. Instead I had to put a bunch of random crap at the top to fill screen space, and put the apps I actually wanted to use at the bottom so that I didn't have to jumble the phone around and almost drop it every time I wanted to open an app at the top.


    Also, not being able to download and set default apps is really annoying given that I'm so entrenched in the Google app ecosystem. iMessage is nice, and I wish there was a viable Android alternative...actually the whole "Continuity" thing that Apple has going on is FANTASTIC. The issue is I've got to spend $800+ on a phone, then $1200+ on a laptop to be able to utilize it. If Google would just implement something similar on Android I would be SO happy. I got my Galaxy S8 on a BOGO deal, basically making it a $350 dollar phone, and I got my Chromebook Plus for $450. That's less than the price of an iPhone X.


    I'm sure if you just want something that works, and aren't concerned with being able to customize your UI, you'll be more than happy with an iPhone. It's just no there for me yet. In fact, I'm getting the new BlackBerry Keyone tomorrow and am soooo geeked out by it.

  6. Boys, I'm a little worried about tonight. I see it either being a big Buckeye win, or a ~10 point loss. I think for us to have a big win, Benjamin Victor is going to have to do a Noah Brown impression from the game last year, and 300 yards rushing as a team.
  7. I don't know and not enough subs IMO. From what I've heard our surface to air missile defense tests have a shit ratio at hitting a target successfully. I thought we were supposed to be number 1 in everything?


    Didn't we just recently successfully test our ICBM defense system in response to NK? I thought the same thing though, that the success rate isn't great. Hopefully we have some super secret squirrel laser system that's badass.

  8. Where at will you be? I think most dry cleaners can do it. Just tell them exactly where it needs to be sewn in


    North side of town. That's definitely an option, but I'd prefer to take it somewhere with experience if possible. Not something you want to risk getting messed up, you know?


    Joe, do you think they can get it done by Friday? I didn't even think about Rickenbacker. The one here usually takes longer for blues. They got my ABUs done in a day, though.

  9. Hey guys, I'm heading into town tomorrow and will be attending a wedding on Saturday in Canton. I just found out I need to wear a tie and really the only thing I have fitting that bill are my Dress Blues. Thing is, I just made rank (date of rank was actually yesterday). I know no one there will care, but I'd really like to wear the proper rank. My grandfather will be in attendance and he's a retired Lt Colonel. He's never seen me in uniform, so I feel like he'd appreciate it.


    With all that said, does anyone know a place in town where I could get my new stripes sewn on with a quick (preferably next day) turn around? Thanks in advance!

  10. Really? I go there pretty often for work and I think it's a pretty nice state. DC sucks since I've already seen all the worthwhile stuff, but I like the Maryland/Virginia area.


    Virginia has been pretty nice so far. I live in the DMV, so I generally hate it. Rural Maryland might be better, I'm just so jaded by how shitty the area around base here is.

  11. Don't know your situation, but since having a son I can't imagine not coming home to him every day. I'm sorry that you're going through this, no matter what is going on. If you can work it out, I'd say do so. But I certainly can't pass any judgments there.
  12. One of my former college roomates specializes in these cars, Russell Culver, he owns Dead Hook Motorsports. Hes done some pretty impressive things with them.




    I REALLY want one of their shift extenders, well at least I'm willing to pay the $65 to try it out. Their website says out of stock, and I've messaged them on Facebook multiple times and written on their wall to inquire about one. I know it's not much money to them, but I wish they'd get back to me.

  13. Another reason I don't like the exhaust, is you don't gain hardly anything from one. Any gains you see, will be from the downpipe. The is practically nothing from a cat back. This is assuming stock turbo of course.


    For a daily driver exhaust, I think my setup is about perfect.


    I was a little nervous with it moving like that. I know they did not re-tighten the straps after running it for a second, so I am sure that was some of it. I am considering picking up one of these, supposed to help a lot with the torque steer:




    Its got rave reviews on FocusST.org.


    That literally sounds like magic. The whole reason I haven't done a different rear motor mount is because of increased vibration. If that traction bar is everything they say, that sounds pretty perfect!

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