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Posts posted by Bigbird

  1. BG is a high tier cupcake. Good win


    They wouldn't be the worst team in the B1G. I was a bit worried about the defense at first, but they settled down. I think we're looking better than expected. Couple that with Urban being quietly excited, and I've got high hopes.

  2. This will sound weird...but found it hard to enjoy the episode (don't get me wrong, I definitely enjoyed it!). I've become so used to getting my hopes and dreams destroyed by this series that I don't know how to handle it now that things are turning around for the good guys. I guess I should just relax and take it all in.


    Also, what happened to Bran's story arch? If I don't get some L+R=J confirmation I'm gonna flip my shit.

  3. You could get one of those video door bells. It'll be an investment in your home, as well as give you the ability to record, and then see who's doing it. Then you just take the video to the kids and blackmail them to mow your lawn or you'll show their parents. Win/win.
  4. So it would seem (via the new Red Woman) that Varys had his member removed for a fire ritual...we know that the original Red Woman always used items with blood of the King for her fire rituals. Does Varys have royal blood?
  5. I've read that there was significance to the tree face in the scene where Brenn is with the White Walkers...more than just what we've seen so far. Any thoughts?



  6. I am assuming you don't have a HOA that can pick up this fight and literally fuck him into the ground on this issue?


    First off, grow the fuck up. you don't own the on street parking in front of your house. I get that it's fun to vent about fucking with other people's shit but let's be real you aren't really going to do it and if you are going to do it you are kind of being a dick. I mean if you are really losing sleep over some dude parking cars in your neighborhood you must not have a lot to worry about, be thankful for that and move on with your life.


    I can see you being concerned if he was actually inconveniencing you in some way but it sounds like you aren't really put out other than you have to look at crappy 10+ year old Toyota corollas parked in front of your house. I mean it isn't like he is parking a box truck with a ton of graffitied swear words on the side outside your house for 48 hours at a time, is he?


    That doesn't mean you can't do something. First thing I would do is mark off how close he can legally park to your driveway. As someone else mentioned there is a minimum distance, so get out the spray paint and park the street with a white line and the curb red. Any time he parks over the line and into the red you call traffic enforcement to come out and ticket for blocking a driveway. After a few of those tickets he will get the message and either fall n line or move on.


    Additionally any time he steps out of line for anything, like loud party or something, call for a noise complaint. The best way to incentivize his behavior is to cost him money, if he knows the whole neighborhood has it out for him and will report him for so much as farting too loud, he will figure it out.


    You should also become an expert on your neighborhood homeowner covenants and local rules. There are restrictions on how many vehicles someone can continuously park, you just need to find where the restriction is and who enforces it. Do these cars have for sale signs on them? Because there are restrictions on running businesses out of your home as well.


    Or you can run up behind him and smash him in the head with a brick - I mean that carries the same moral implications as damaging his legally parked property. If you really think he is doing something illegal, figure out the illegal activity and use the system, if not find something else to worry about.


    You ruin everything.

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