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Everything posted by Bigbird

  1. Eh...if I'm gonna spend $500, I'd like to be able to use it as a beater. Does that BMW drive? And Ramsey, how long are you looking at till you take that trans out?
  2. Hey guys, I've got some issues with a roommate. Basically my roommate won't let me use the entire garage spot that I'm paying for, unless I put a car in it. If I put my bike there, she puts a bunch of her crap around it, and parks her car in the middle of the garage. She then expects me to still pay full price. My Camaro is a bit to long to reasonably fit in the garage. I'm thinking I should probably just put the biggest hunk of shit I can get in there. I don't care what it is, preferrably not running actually...to keep cost down. Literally the cheaper the better. I won't be driving this car. Just leaving it in the garage. Help me guys!
  3. His shirt matched his....everything?
  4. Those are some way skinny rear tires...
  5. Thought of Kenny today when I rode to school. I got there and thought, "Damn...my balls are cold, so glad I rode to school today."
  6. Bigbird


    I watched probably 20 minutes of Forrest Gump at Average Joe's tonight...by myself. That is, until my buddy finally showed up..but still. Watching that at a bar alone=super happy fun good time...or not.
  7. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA epic break up maneuver!
  8. SEA Ltd up on the North Side of town. We do all kinds of stuff, fire investigation just being one of them. It's really a great company, although I don't do any of that super cool interesting stuff.
  9. Step 1. Go back to fire science. Step 2. Come work at my company. Step 3. ?????? Step 4. Profit.
  10. I never had a problem parking downtown, I always just parked in the very back of the lot on the other side of Spring St. Then again, I didn't have a parking pass so I was just trying to be out of view hahahaha.
  11. Re.... Maybe? I'm not sure...hahaha.
  12. Didn't one of Illinois' players take a swing at Pryor? Or was that at Boom?
  13. I have the same gloves as that S2K driver...lol
  14. That's what I'm thinking. It certainly looks like there's something in the stomach right about where the claw is. Although the woman said she heard scratching on her wall...but possibly the lizard was alive and still kicking a little bit, thus scratching the wall? Although the pattern on the leg is very similar to the pattern on the snake. I'm sure genetic mutations like this are more common than we generally think about. I mean hey, every once in a while a person is born with a tail...
  15. http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j160/drevol500/derp.jpg http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j160/drevol500/derp-derp-dog.jpg
  16. You wanna be freaked out by real North Koreans? Everyone should watch this... http://www.vbs.tv/watch/the-vice-guide-to-travel/guide-to-north-korea-1-of-3 It's split into three 20(ish) minute parts, very very bizarre.
  17. No no no...North Korean kids are WAY more organized than that.
  18. Can anyone tell me why they stalk Sacnus Blvd. by Polaris? I REALLY do not see the point in why my tax dollars are being used for this.
  19. What the FUCK is that last frame???? hahahahahahahaha
  20. LOLQR25 Ah who am I kidding...I miss my Spec
  21. Is that the one we saw when we were doing the test drive on the Camaro?
  22. Bigbird

    New to CR!

    We're you in Toledo a few weekends ago? I feel like I pointed your car out to my girlfriend recently hahaha. It was a white S2K with dual exhaust like that, maaaybe hardtop. I think I saw you around Monroe and Secor. I couldn't forget a car as clean as that.
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