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Everything posted by Bigbird

  1. Once when I was young, let's say 4th or 5th grade, a buddy was spending the night at my house. Him and I were always into ghosts and stuff, so I guess it's only fitting this happened with him. We were up really late (like 2:30am) playing video games. I could hear my mom snoring (sorry mom haha) in her room, and besides my buddy and I, she was the only other person in the house. Well we're sitting there playing Turok when all of a sudden I thought I heard something outside my door. I turned and looked just in time to see my door knob turn (it was latched) and the door opened probably 4 inches or so...and then nothing. I sat there just looking at the door and without looking back I asked my buddy if he saw it too. He said yes and we just sat there silent for a second. I told him I could hear my mom snoring, and so could he. So who opened the door? After a few minutes I mustered up the courage to go out in the living room and look around. All the windows were locked, the door was locked, the deadbolt was locked. No sign of anyone coming in, or leaving the apartment. I went and woke up my mom just to make sure it wasn't her, but she was dead asleep. To this day I have no idea how my door opened itself. Story two. When I was in middle school my grandmother had cancer. I would spend most weekends at her house with my dad who lives out of town, pretty much because we knew she wouldn't be around much longer. Well one weekend I was there and my uncle who is a doctor commented that he didn't imagine she would make it through the night. Well unfortunately he was right. I suppose it was nice that most of the family was there for her final moments, however I was downstairs in the basement sleeping. My dad came down and woke me up to tell me, and I was sad but relieved that she wouldn't be in pain any more. I got up and went upstairs where the rest of the family was gathered around in the kitchen. One of the first things they said to me was "Ryan, look at the clock." I commented that the time was off...well it was stopped. The clock had stopped at the exact time of her pronounced death. She loved preparing huge feasts for the family, and loved to help out with events for her church, she was in the kitchen constantly. Kind of freaky. This last one I'm going to tell...well I highly doubt ANYONE will believe me. It's so cliche that I have a hard time even bringing it up. It sounds pretty much exactly like something you would read in a kids ghost story book. One night in the fall when I was still in high school I was driving up route 3 from Westerville, going to Centerburg. As I was driving up route 3 I was just outside of Westerville when I saw a man walking on the side of the road. He was walking towards me, on my side of the road. No one was coming in the other lane, so as I passed him I got over a bit to give a bit of a cushion. As I got closer to him I noticed it seemed like he was wearing all white. As I got very close, as I was passing him, it was as if he was looking through the gleam of my headlights and directly into my eyes. It was a very eerie feeling. After I passed him I looked in my rearview mirror because I was very weirded out by how he looked directly at me....he wasn't there. I had only taken a quick glance when I noticed this, so I did a double take. Upon looking again I would swear to God that in my rearview mirror it looked like there was a pale white man sitting in the back seat of my car. I freaked out and jerked the wheel a bit just out of fright, and hit the brakes. When I looked back, there was nothing there. No one in the back seat of my car, no one on the side of the road. I know it sounds like I completely copied and pasted that story from one of hundreds of books, but good lord did it scare the piss out of me. I'm sure someone would explain this as me being drousy and driving at night, causing my eyes to play tricks on me. But I know what I saw. There are a ton of other little stories I have, but those are three that have really stuck with me.
  2. Sucks to hear man...keep your head up. Hopefully you'll find something soon.
  3. Have my one year review on Friday, wish me luck! Hahaha
  4. Lol you know you're my favorite skittle driver, Paul.
  5. Oh, and you still didn't address the bullshit that is your photoshopped picture...spose I shouldn't be too hard on you, maybe you didn't know what some of the words in that part of my post meant.
  6. Firstly, you live in Grovetucky. Cut the trailer park bullshit. Secondly... "Oh wait, that's already be voted as true." I don't see anything that isn't spelled correctly there??? Just some broken sentence, akin to something Paul would post. Maybe you're the one that needs to figure out what word comprehension is. Fuck Dick Rod and all his cronies.
  7. Ah, Michigan grammar is evidently as great as their football team. Oh, and good job posting a picture of a bunch of girls with Michigan emblems photoshopped on their bathing suits! Its ok, we know that models aren't really THAT stupid.
  8. http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3287/2988465769_919c3e8f34.jpg This is probably more embarrassing than losing to Appy State.
  9. Haha it's not like that, more like friendly bantering. I'm sure if he really cared he would have done more to make her a football fan. He was actually going to come to the game with us, but she wanted it to be just a her and I thing. He's cool about it. They have red and gray on their stairs at their house, so the first time I met him I was like, "So, is that scarlet and gray?". It's all in good fun. Now...anyone got some tickets they're trying to get rid of??
  10. Goosebumps... Oh and I need two tickets to the Toledo game if anyone can help!!!
  11. Alright guys here's the story. My girlfriend goes to Toledo, but she's never been big on football. Her stepdad who raised her is a big michigan fan, but she's never cared one way or the other. I told her that if she wanted to date me she would have to learn to love OSU. I figured a great way to introduce her to this wonderful life would be to take her to watch her school get trounced by OSU. We can get UT student tickets for $25 each, but I would rather sit with OSU fans haha. So show me what you've got guys! Not looking to spend TOO much money...this isn't the USC game afterall, but I won't overlook any good offers.
  12. Tag for later. Shit is too long to type up on my blackberry, although I'm sure Nyall86 will come in and piss on my Cheerios cause he doesn't believe any of this stuff haha.
  13. Bigbird


    Is that the psycho from daisy of love?
  14. -neg rep...as in...minus negative rep? So positive rep?
  15. I was talking to Hoblick the other day and that's exactly what he said. I might have to do that tomorrow morning.
  16. You don't even know the half of it. I have a 2 hour ride up to Toledo to look forward to tomorrow NIGHT, all highway...FML.
  17. Ugh...I downloaded the new firmware and it deleted blackberry messenger, and there's no way for me to redownload it yet...
  18. You're not even the first person to ask me that this evening lol.
  19. Haha just got done with my second free pizza of the day, yessssss.
  20. An unbeaten OSU won't get in over an unbeaten Chokelahoma? Lawl...
  21. One time I went to Newport Kentucky for a buddies 21st birthday. The other two guys passed out at 1:30. Well I still had a half bottle of rum and a ton of soda in the fridge, and "Knocked Up" was on tv. Well needless to say I had a lot more fun by myself than those losers did
  22. Did you burn the candle per the manufacturers instructions? Most people don't realize that you're supposed to take care of your candle. Trim the wick before the first burn, and then after each subsequent burn. Also a candle that size shouldn't be burned for more than 4 hours at a time, also random burn times (an hour here, two hours there) can lead to uneven consumption of the wax, or in this case gel. This can lead to the wick becoming off-center, which can cause many more problems over the life of the candle.
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