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Everything posted by Bigbird

  1. Fuck...why's this gotta be on a Tuesday night? My gf loves him.
  2. Fuck...my mind is in disarray from last night
  3. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090912/ap_on_re_us/us_masked_speeder Hahahahaha this is so fucking win. I hope he gets out of the charges.
  4. Cosi might be a little kiddie...but with the right attitude it can be fun. Also the Franklin Park Conservatory.
  5. I REALLY REALLY REALLY want a Cherokee
  6. 107,000 screaming fans>66,000 screaming fans
  7. http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j160/drevol500/cherylscookie.jpg /Thread.
  8. More details on what you're looking for?
  9. RIP...thank you for serving your country. I wish the best for his girlfriend and daughter...
  10. Just got back from there a little bit ago. I created a new mixed beer, kinda like a black and tan if you will, except this mixes together more than a black and tan. Old Speckled Hen and Young's Double Chocolate Stout...I was hoping for the chocolate of the stout to compliment the caramel and butterscotch of the Speckled Hen. It didn't work out QUITE how I imagined, but it was still very good.
  11. Stay away from the Sam Adams Blackberry Witbier. Sam Adams is my favorite beer and I could barely down it. Try Old Speckled Hen, absolutely great beer and one of my current favorites. Check out Tuesday night pint night at Claddagh up at Polaris, its 2.50 for ANY of their beers on tap. Also on Tuesday nights the Pub at Polaris has 3.75 for I think 22oz drafts. The Pub has a prett huge selection (including Old Speckled Hen ), and the Winking Lizard does too. I love trying new beers.
  12. Some crappy cell phone pics of my '05 636 http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j160/drevol500/bike3.jpg http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j160/drevol500/bike1.jpg Stealth mode exhaust http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j160/drevol500/bike2.jpg
  13. Damn man! Congrats! Watching what you eat can really make a huge difference. I don't really have much if any weight to lose (I'm 6'1" and just under 170), but just cutting out fast food and pop over the past 3 weeks has made me lose 5lbs. I'm sure you could have dropped more weight too, but you've been hitting the gym...so it's actually good that you haven't haha.
  14. This is the absolute best thing I've ever seen Paul say. You'll be more likely to wreck if you're constantly worried about it. The first day I rode I laid my bike down thanks to a pop of the clutch and some gravel, I was literally next to my house. Did I get up and take it back to my house? Nope I got right back on it and rode to work, I knew that if I didn't conquer it then and there that I would never be able to be confident on it again. If riding isn't for you, then it's just not for you. No shame in that. And seeing your bike makes me SO glad I got an '05 636 instead of an '03-'04...hahahaha just fucking with you man, it does look damn sexy stretched like that.
  15. I'm making my gf get up early and showing her what its like to be a real Buckeye fan. Then we're going to my buddies house to watch the game. Then going down to campus/downtown for some drinking tomorrow night. Should be a nice relaxing saturday hahaha.
  16. Waits for Verse to come in and cry moar like Dick Rod. GO BUCKS!!!
  17. I'm sure everyone said the same thing about the possibility of Michigan losing to Appalachian State.
  18. You win 1000 internets. You're my hero.
  19. I can't fully understand a single post in this thread...
  20. Bigbird


    This makes me think of a situation I was in one time when I was 17. Some buddies and I had gone to Buckeye Subs in Worthington for lunch. This older man pulls in behind us. We go inside and get in line, the guy comes in and the people standing in front of my buddies and I say "Hey there Bill! Go stand up there with your team." Now I'm sure they all worked at the same place and were out to lunch in groups or some BS like that. Being the smartass that I am, and not taking kindly to them just having someone who got there after my friends and I go up to the front of the line...I said, "Hey guys, can you let Bill know that the back of the line is back here?". This guy who appeared to be in his late 20's-early 30's is already laughing and he just turns around and says, "Oh it's ok, he's just meeting up with his team." To which I replied, "Yeah, me and my team have to wait in line like normal people, so so should Bill." At this point his tone turned a wee bit sour. He started saying it wasn't a big deal, and just started brushing me off, saying I needed to learn some manners. I started getting pissed. I was saying how I didn't know it was good manners to get in front of people standing in line. Him and two other people he was with started giving me the whole "respect your elders" speech, and they started acting all pissy. This only fueled my smartassedness (yes, smartassedness). At the time I had really long hair (as some of you have seen from the "80's pic" I've posted here before), and the woman with the guy said to her friends, "Is that a boy or a girl? I really can't tell." At this point I said fuck any kind of manners I was holding on to. I told the woman I could assure her I was a man, more man than her husband. She said my penis would be too small to satisfy anyone (real mature of a 50-something year old woman), and I told her I would whip it out right there in the middle of Buckeye Subs. Apparently it was ok for her to go there, but not me. She immediately looked disgusted and said her son would never talk like that. I told her her son was a pussy and should learn to stand up for himself then. The guy that was originally talking to me then literally got in my face. At the time I was 6'1" 165 lbs, this guy was about 6'4" and probably 250...he was built. But I didn't back down, I stood right in his face. He asked me what I said and I told him he heard me. He just stood there trying to stare me down, and I told him to go ahead and hit me. At this point he just turned around and stood there silent the rest of the time we were in line. I'm sure they were absolutely livid that I was such a smartass, and I'm sure they thought I was a little punk. But I wasn't about to back down from some adults abusing the fact that they were in a group, just because I was a kid.
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