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Everything posted by Bigbird

  1. No idea how, but my grandpa has our lineage traced back to the first king of Scotland. You can find some pretty cool info if you know how to research it. Start with googling your family name. You may find some work already done for you. Of in my case, my family knows our Scottish clan name, so I am able to do more research based on that name. Just something to consider. I wish I could be more help.
  2. Bigbird

    CR Quarterly

    Yeah, I know its almost not feasible. But I thought the concept was really cool and wanted to see what you guys thought. I'm sure that with enough members involved it would be possible to put this together. The main issue will be just that, actually putting everything together and editing it into one video. I also thought of another thing to put in it. -Shop Showcase We could go to some of the local shops and talk to the people that work there about what they offer, what kind of things they specialize in, and all of that. This could help get the word out about some of the lesser know, or up and coming shops, as well as allow people to get a more personal look at the bigger ones. I'm sure just about everyone here has heard of the places like IPS and Dynotune, but a lot of them have never been there to check it out. Obviously there are a finite amount of shops in town, so this wouldn't be something in every "episode".
  3. Bigbird

    CR Quarterly

    Hope this is in the right section... Anyway, after seeing this on another site (Nasioc, Subaru forum for those that don't know), and having seen things recently like the upcoming car show, and Rob's slide shows, I came up with an idea. It's called CR Quarterly. It's like an e-zine video. Basically a few times a year we compile all the madness from this site into a video compilation. It could include such things as... -Build updates. Basically someone would interview a few of you guys that are more open with your builds, and you could give a tour of what you've accomplished over the past couple of months, and maybe take us for a virtual ride in your car (assuming its in the running stage). -Car of the Quarter A lot of other sites do something like this, but we don't. Basically everyone nominates people for the title of best car, the top nominees get voted on, and whoever wins gets...well something haha. We could do a feature on the video of the persons car, as well as revealing the winner. -Drama Report In this part of the video we could document all of the lol-worthy arugments, grudge matches, and other general asshatery that goes on on CR. You've got beef with someone and want to settle it on the track? Well let the cameras follow so everyone can see the outcome. -Meets and Track Days This should be fairly self explanatory. This would just be clips of the meets and track days, a video compilation to go along with the great pictures we get. Another section of the video could be added for whenever a member is lost, as a way of paying respects to that member. This is just a rough idea, and would obviously be a ton of work. I have some background in video editing, but I no longer have a video camera, or any editing software. But with all of the creative minds here on CR, I'm sure there's someone out there that could take care of it. We could potentially put this on a dvd and sell it to members to raise money for meets, or possibly also a small prize for winning "Car of the Quarter". Again, a very rough idea, and I'm open to all suggestions. I was just thinking about all the stuff that has happened on this site since I've been here. It would be really cool to have a chronicle of all of this. Let me know what you guys think.
  4. Did...did...did you just say ascertained? Uhh...you guys...when did hell freeze over?
  5. You mean you weren't fapping while you were looking at this!??!!? Seriously though man, I got some duct tape for your foot. Should fix it right up.
  6. I must now clean up my keyboard from the vomit induced by motion sickness.
  7. Haha seems like you'll fit right in here Tyler. Nice cars/bikes man, welcome to CR. I can get you the leader of Team Output's number if you want.
  8. tl;dr run on sentence no punctuation etc. Clean that ish up man. Haha your intro is going alright, but that almost hurts my eyes to read.
  9. I was going to say haha, maybe he was listing the price he payed for it back in the day.
  10. Was it just me, or did they not show the run where it lifts the tires in the video? Now THAT is what I wanted to see. Please excuse me while I go change my underwear.
  11. Wtf is that banana pudding shit coming out of your foot?!?! Damn man...best of luck with your recovery, wish I had a doctor to recommend you.
  12. No seriously...if someone makes a villian outfit and goes down there and screws with him it will be the most epic thing ever. Plus no one will ever know its you haha.
  13. Wow man this sounds awesome. I probably won't enter my hoopdy though haha, but I'll definitely show up.
  14. Holy quadruple post Batman hahaha. Car is looking great in the mud man. Let me know next time you're heading out to polaris.
  15. Everyone's already said it man, car looks great. Welcome back.
  16. Haha I watched a couple clips. I need to get into that show more.
  17. At first I was like -_- ...but then I was like o_O
  18. Oh Patrick, there's this guy Mike. He's got a white 08 STI with a really sexy sounding exhaust, you might know him.
  19. Patrick! It's Ryan haha, tell everyone a little about yourself. And maybe something about the plans for your car...or else I will (Troy told me all about it haha). Oh and like half your pics arent working man.
  20. Haha yeeeeah, you're kinda hard to forget.
  21. Ouch man...ouch...haha it's all good.
  22. Sup David. Idk if you remember me, I'm Ryan, Lauren's ex or Leslies friend. Last time I saw you was randomly at Jacobs when I showed up with Phil hahahaha. Car is looking good man, welcome.
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