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Everything posted by granda080

  1. I agree with Twist of the Wrist...I think II is better than the first. I have it on dvd...corny, but very informative.
  2. I have the Shift boots as well. They are really comfortable. They were 100.00 at Iron Pony.
  3. I actually have that DVD...wife bought it for me for my birthday, totally surprised. If you want to see it PM me.
  4. Very interesting build...thanks for the updates. Can't wait to see the completed project.
  5. That's a bit ridiculous. I wonder if this is common and the news doesn't group them all together like this.
  6. I have a few things that I am looking to part ways with. We have these two Stroh's Light beer signs and a large Sauder wardrobe. For OR, $75 for both signs and $50 for the wardrobe. Here are the links: Stroh's Light Signs: http://dayton.craigslist.org/clt/2314009476.html Wardrobe: http://dayton.craigslist.org/fuo/2313961291.html Cheers, Andy
  7. LOL, 64 bucks...that about covers the speedohealer I'm gonna order.
  8. Sadly my bro-in-law has this for my niece. Totally over the top.
  9. That race was a disaster. They really had some tire issues.
  10. granda080

    No caption

    Indeed they are. Dig the black and gold scheme.
  11. Lots of phone threads lately. My BB Bold ate pooh last week and they sent me a new one which works a ton better. Apparently it had a virus on it. My iPhone is really just my Pandora and GPS in the truck. Just can't get used to total touch screen.
  12. granda080


    LOL, totally awesome...is that a VW or a Yugo?
  13. This must be the most unused portion of OR...it will probably take a year for someone to even see this. Dayton...dead. Just like this "social group". Amazing to me that Dayton has one of the best key board jockeys on OR in Ninja Nick and nothing LOL. Oh well...I like group rides.
  14. I just put this on my older Sony VAIO desktop...noticeably quicker.
  15. I like FF4...haven't had any complaints thus far, little strange where tabs are located but seems to run well.
  16. What would the time requirements and expectations be?
  17. LOL, which is why it does everything so well. They haven't added anything new to is since then.
  18. I have an iPhone 4 and I've used the Droid 2 (sister-in-law's). Between those two, I'd pick the iPhone...which I don't really even like, yet. I prefer my Blackberry Bold, basically because I'm used to it. To each their own. Regardless, I don't think you could be too disappointed with either.
  19. Cabrewing, drinking and canoeing, has really gotten cracked down upon. Seems like the majority of my friends in the last 3 years have gotten ticketed for open container. That being said floating down the river with a 30 case of PBR is pretty unbeatable. ...all that said, where are we going?
  20. I live close and have never been there either. I agree with natedogg, seems to be a more stretch/custom bike shop. I think they have a bike wash every year if threads of old serve me right.
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