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Everything posted by granda080

  1. Welcome! Post some pics of your fizz!

  2. Welcome fellow fizz rider!
  3. National ride through a torrential downpour day
  4. that cat looks beat to shit....GLWS sorry had too
  5. yes you are correct Donski that is indeed where I mean. I agree that probably is a good spot.
  6. They will eventually show up. Hopefully its not pouring rain like last time 70 is sorta terrifying at 6am with crazy rain. The rest of the ride was good though.
  7. You going on the Coshocton ride? I think I'm going to go again...you won't be alone in the slow group.

  8. It doesn't matter they won't be there on time Last time we were at BP in Springfield, right off of 70.
  9. maybe 68 BP...and I can wait in the rain for all of your late asses
  10. IF I were to go on this ride, where would we be meeting up at?
  11. ugh, committing to stuff is for losers...I will commit to committing, or not, later
  12. Crazy Horse is a great movie

  13. What's up man? It was good to meet you the other night. We should ride some time.
  14. ^ check it out 56 posts dimebag, he's a noob lol
  15. Just south of 70 via 201. If you take 675 to 70, then 201 left off the exit. It will be on your right. You can't miss it
  16. so jealous! Beautiful bike, one of my all time favorites! Best scheme.
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