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Posts posted by granda080

  1. i cant stress enough how glad I am your alright. I heard the squeel of the tire and thought it was myself, and thought " here we go" and as soon as I relized what had happend, I already had my kickstand down and was off my bike. I had adrenaline going so much, that I remember the squeel, and putting my kick stand down, and seeing the bike slide behind me in my mirrors, and thats it. I don't remember coming out of the corner. I almost ran across the road without looking to see if there were any cars. Thats when i realized 100% what was going on.

    Yeah, sorry about all that. I suck :( I feel bad that I caused drama on our relaxing ride. **Note to self: Don't be that mentally relaxed ever again**

  2. granda, have you had any more time to think about the situation? (if you're anything like me you've probably replayed it about 100000000 times)....

    Any more insight onto what you did wrong?

    Yeah, I had plenty of time to think about it. I had an hour long ride back to think about it. Just wasn't mentally paying attention, the turn came up on me because of it. I quickly downshifted, though I was already begining to lean into the turn. I then applied a bit of back break, again because I was late in mentally being into the turn, and then simutaniously let out the clutch. All this equalled high-side.

    I'm so thankful. That's really it.

  3. One question? Did you see God?

    Umm can't say that I did, but that's probably who/what I saw between remembering being on the bike and realizing I was sliding along the road.

    I wrecked on 732 by Oxford (very near to 177).

    Also an update on myself physically. I've got the rash on the elbow, and quarter sized rash on each knee. The rest of me just hurts and aches, but I'm not complaining :D.

    I was looking for a winter project... I guess now I have one.

    I greatly appreciate all the well wishes! It means a lot to know that you all are out there!

  4. Yeah I had a slight hiccup... or a high-side. I can't, and won't, place blame on anything but me. I went into a turn to hot (40ish in a suggested 15mph sharp right), was mid shift and already leaning into the turn, tapped the back brake and let out the clutch...exactally what one should not do.

    It is a strange thing being thrown from your bike, I'm sure most people reading this know the feeling. I had about 4 thoughts while I was skidding across the pavement. In order they were:

    1. Is this for real?

    2. How did I end up here?

    3. I'm okay.

    4. (seeing the bike slide towards me) Please don't hit me!

    I thank God that I didn't hurt anyone else, or myself majorly. I really want to thank Oldschoolsdime and his friend Zach for being so concerned. I hope that this is the first and last time I have this happen.

    Here is a pic


    There are more in the album.

  5. Hmmm. I know about the bike, a while back i saw a thing about Vincent motorcycles. I thought it was a black shadow. Type in lightning, and the same images come up. Wouldn't be the same, would it? Either way beautiful looking bikes, and definitely for the time. The shadow was named one of the most beautiful vintage bikes of all time.

    It is actually the same bike, but the black lightening was a custom order option. It held the land speed title for awhile. My guess is that is indeed a shadow. More info, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vincent_Black_Shadow

  6. Hello everyone,

    My wife is running in the Free to Breathe 5K, which is a fundraiser to support lung cancer support and awareness. If anyone would be willing to donate to the cause that would be wonderful (there is no minimum amount one can donate). I know that times are financially tough, so any kind words of encouragement that I can pass on to her would be equally appreciated.

    Here is the email that she has sent to our family and friends:

    Hello friends and family!

    As many of you know I have been running recently and this Saturday will be participating in a 5K for lung cancer. I have joined a team that was started by the wonderful speech therapist I work with whose mother died from lung cancer in 2006. We each set a goal for donations and when I last checked our team was one of the top leaders at $660-ish. No pressure to donate but if you are feeling charitable, please click on the link below, my name, and then "Donate to Brooke Couper!" in the purple part. Thank you in advance to those who can make a contribution and are in support of cancer awareness and research! I hope this finds everyone in good health and high spirits!




    Thanks everyone :)

  7. When I first glanced at that picture of your trailer I thought, "Damn...the raised peak on that is really rusty!" Then I realized it was just your neighbors rusty ass tin roofing. It looks like a good trailer...now that it isn't all rusty on top and doesn't have a basketball hoop attached to it. I'm an idiot :(

  8. I'm bored and I was thinking of what I wanted to do next summer (I'm a teacher so I have summers off). I thought I would go west... Mt. Rushmore-Seattle-San Fransico-Burbank-Vegas-Grand Canyon-Dallas-New Orleans, back to Ohio. I wonder how long this would take. Any idea? Any interest :) To ambitious?

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