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Posts posted by jmwildi

  1. For a 1911 you can't go wrong with Springfield. I had one of their Mil-Spec 1911's and never had a problem with it. Easily one of the most reliable weapons I've owned and fun to shoot too. Sadly, rough times hit and I had to downsize my gun collection a bit. Of all the guns I had to let go, I'll be replacing the 1911 first.

  2. No, you are correct; however in a heavy drinker, even 6 hours without booze is "withdrawl" - whether or not they are actually trying to quit. Perhaps it was a poor example on my part, as it's been 40 years since I saw Pop like that, and maybe my memory isn't exactly right. Yes, I was 3 or 4 when I saw some things - unfortunately those memories won't go away, and I also didn't learn from them.

    I thought about that and decided not to write about it - figured I had already spouted off enough, plus had already spiraled away from the OP and the direction the thread <should> (imho) have been going and had digressed into something else entirely.

    Right on, I thought withdrawl was the physiological reaction to the body normalizing itself when the drugs wear off but I also half slept through that day in abnormal psych so I wanted to make sure I had it right. As I understand it though addictions are more of a psychological problem concerning anxiety/stress coping and gratification. The addiction is just the physical manifestation of those mental issues. In my mind that makes it more of a psychiatric problem as opposed to a physical medicine problem. Even though there are physical symptoms of addiction, the underlying problems always seem to be psychological.

    Fair enough, I just thought I'd mention it since it can be a misconception that inmates can't make alcohol or get drugs in prison. My only point was that prison is not exactly "dry" for all the alcoholic inmates. Just my 0.02 cents on the issue.

  3. Yeah we tried to order them while I was in Iraq, and my supply NCO and I were really cool, he just couldn't get em. :( Instead we got stupid gerber folders, Don't remember the model. I hated the over molded rubber handle on it.

    Forgot about "collectors". I'm pretty sure you can carry autos in Ohio.

    Eh, the only Gerber blade I liked was the Applegate/Fairbane folder. In Ohio it's illegal to own or carry an auto knife or switchblade unless you're a LEO or in the military. Ohio Revised Code 2923.20 section 3 http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/2923.20 If you have a LEO ID, you can buy one from any shop. If you have a military ID you can buy one from certain shops. Vance's for instance will not sell to military but River's Edge Cutlery in Hilliard will. Actual collectors fall into a strange and nebulous category like those people with a class 3 FFL. It's a place filled with miles of paperwork, red tape, and rediculous fees, charges and tax stamps. Only way to get one without one of those ID's is to buy an auto knife kit that you put together yourself. These fall into the same loophole that the "novelty paperweight" brass knuckles do. It's not a knife, it's a kit and the manufacturer of the kit can't be held responsible for what you do with it once you have it. I have a couple of those also of varying quality. If you get the right kit you'll have a pretty nice oldschool switchblade. River's Edge has a good overall selection of knives and they carry both Benchmade auto knives mentioned here. In terms of actual problems with the police, you're only going to get hassled by the cops for it if they find it. And, in theory, they're only going to find it if you give them a reason to search you.

  4. Go do heroin or crystal meth for a year, and then try to "put the shit down."

    I have a friend who was addicted to meth for over a year. One day, in a moment of clarity, she took a look at her life and the people she was hanging around with and decided she'd had enough. Smoked her last hit of meth right before getting on a plane to Columbus where she quit cold turkey. Not saying it's easy to just put it down, but it is possible.

  5. There are physical and psychological factors in play here. Ever seen someone addicted to alcohol that had "the shakes" in the morning? Are they shaking on purpose? No, their body is reacting to its desire for more alcohol.

    Maybe jail will help - he'll be drinking less.

    I could be wrong about this, please correct me if I am. I believe that "the shakes" and all the other signs / symptoms that go along with it are from withdrawl. Withdrawl being the body's attempt to physiologicaly normalize itself in the absence of the drug, not the body's desire for more of the drug. While there is a physical addiction to a drug, is it not the mind that, consciously or unconsciously, says 'I need more of the drug to stop feeling like crap' i.e. get rid of the withdrawl and go back to what the mind perceives is "normal?"

    About jail keeping him from drinking, you would be amazed at how easy it is to get homemade, or prison-made as it were, booze in jail. It's not hard to make at all and the prisons give the inmates everything they need to make it.

  6. I carry a Benchmade 5000sbk, it's one of their auto knives, same one you can get issued from the Army if you're really cool with your supply NCO. Carried both it and one of the next gen KA-BARs in Iraq, only the KA-BAR in Afghanistan. Both very nice and durable knives. The Benchmade does need some work though. Then there's the assortment of odds and ends folding and fixed blade knives, too many to list here but my favorite beside the Benchmade and the KA-BAR would have to be the SOG Seal Pup, it's well balanced and it has kind of a uniquely shaped blade.

  7. Can't say about the range rules for certain. I have seen kids clearly under 16 in that range with their parents shooting rifles and handguns but I don't know if the guns were personal or rented. As for what caliber guns to start him with, I would recomend starting with a .38 revolver and a 9mm semi-auto. If and when he's comfortable with those, move up to .40 and .45 ACP. With all of the first time shooters I've taken to the range, that's how I started them and we moved at their pace. They all had a great time, learned alot about gun safety, and a few even changed their stand point on "no guns for civillians ever." Point being, start small-ish and work you way up with him untill he reaches his comfort zone in terms of both caliber and type, revolver or semi-auto.

  8. You've not been there before have you?? That describes about half the crowd.

    :lol:The last time I went to QS&L for bike night was like 4 years ago. I never particularly enjoyed that bike night. I'm really just going tonight to see the band and maybe run across some of you guys. Besides, my scar's pretty hard to miss. Starts at my eyebrow and goes up my forehead and along the top of my head almost to the back of my skull, and just about even with my right ear on the side. Almost died to get it too, I'm very proud of it. :D

  9. I'll stop in for a bit to see the band, been wanting to for a while now but work always seems to get in the way. I might meet you guys at CC. If you havn't seen a black Bonneville by the time you're ready to head to QS&L, just take off. I'll get there eventually and start looking for the group of bikes with OR stickers on them :D And if anyone notices the white guy with a shaved head and a huge scar on the right side of his forehead / head...that's me :cool: With a little luck I'll get to meet some of you finally.

  10. My bike is paid for, insurance is $300/year. Truck gets 15 mpg at best. Bike gets over 40 mpg while commuting. Pretty good savings for me.

    +1 to this. My car and bike are both paid off but the car get's deplorable MPG ('90 trans am, 5.0 V8 :D) but the bike gets great MPG. My bike insurance is only $150 a year though. So I ride the bike every day and save the car for the really cold and nasty weather or if I need to cart something / someone around that won't fit on the bike or in the saddle bags. It could just be my imagination but if feels like I stop for gas more often when I drive the car than when I ride the bike.

  11. Alpinestar gloves, leather jacket (light or heavy depending on the temp), steel-toe engineer boots, and either jeans or my work pants. I'm a security guard so the boots are ok at work and the pants are evil polyester uniform pants that I hate with an undying passion and offer no protection; if I drop the bike and eat the pavement though, at least I'll have the satisfaction of knowing they were shredded. Sometimes I wear my lid but it really depends on my mood. If it's raining I might put on some overpants, depends on where I'm going. Like someone else on here said, my bike is my primary vehicle from spring through fall so I pretty much wear the same thing no matter where I'm going on the bike.

  12. When I'm broke is when I usually drink beer, if I have money I'm drinking rum and coke or whiskey. I never did develop the kind of taste for beer that leads people to love it. That being said, bud lite, mgd, boddington's pub ale, newcastle, and strongbow are my brews of choice when going for the liquid bread (even though strongbow is hard cider not beer).

  13. You should go to the rodeo at Jimbo's on route 52 in the hocking area. It's the same weekend, and it's a bit smaller than the easyriders Rodeo but way more fun because of it in my opinion. If you've never been to Jimbo's, it's a small family owned and operated biker bar. The food is good, the drinks are cold and cheap, and the staff and most of the patrons are like family. I think it's on saturday the 4th they have an all you can eat buffet of homecooked goodness and of course there's the usualy biker games and drunken debauchery. I'll be there on the 4th, anyone thinking of going to the Easyriders Rodeo should think about stopping by Jimbo's instead, you won't regret it.

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