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Posts posted by jmwildi

  1. ^^^ Hehe true I suppose. By the way, sorry you and your wife couldn't make it to Hooters on friday, would've liked to meet you. Hope she's feeling better, hope the stiff drinks helped take the edge off a rough day and maybe I'll see you up there next friday.

  2. This didn't seem to fit in any other section so here it is. I just got a shop manual from a seller on amazon. All of the pages that I need are stuck together and look like they've been that way for a while. Any ideas on how I can get the pages unstuck with out destroying them? I'm already looking for another copy of this shop manual but so far the one I have is the only one I've been able to find. Oh and I'm not sure what got the pages stuck together but I'm guessing water because some of them have come apart but there's also no staining or discoloration to the pages.

  3. +1 to jbot and dorifto240. The only thing I can add is my two cents on the attack on Pearl Harbor. Up until 9/11 it was the most devastating single attack against the U.S. in history but for years England was asking and eventually begging for help from the U.S. in fighting the Nazis and we were content to work both sides of the war by selling goods to both the Brits and the Germans. The country was basically split down the middle, half wanted to get into the war and help the Brits and the other half didn't want anything to do with "another of Europe's wars." Until the attack on Pearl, that is. Nearly everyone in the country threw their support behind the war effort and we went in swinging. The Japs were at least as bad if not worse than the Nazis durring the war and in my opinion they deserved what they got. Sure we were running roughshod over them in the pacific before the attack on Pearl but fuck them, they were with the Germans and they were running roughshod on the Chinese who were our allies at the time. Wow, that turned into more of a rant than I ment for it to. Bottom line, they got us off the bench and into the war and we did exactly what we had to do to win. No appology needed or deserved because they would have done the same thing.

  4. I'll try to stop by before work, have a beer and some wings. Anyone interested in meeting me, I'm the white guy with the shaved head and a massives scar on the right side of my head / forehead. Between that and my bike I'm sort of hard to miss. I think I've seen all of 4 other Bonnevilles in Columbus. So if you see me come up and say hi, I don't bite...really...:D

  5. Sorry to hear about you getting smacked with a car. Hope you have a speedy recovery so you can get back on the road again. Remember, baby steps - one foot goes in front of the other one. :D

  6. Good God man... my left leg weighs 110lbs.

    Hehe, I've heard that before. I've also had several people tell me the last time they weighed 110 was in elementary school. Can't help it though, instead of getting into sports and putting on weight in high school I was an underfed delinquent. :cool:

  7. Cool, thanks for your take on them. I'm not what you might call a "real wrench". I can do basic maintenance but that's about it. I was looking for something to learn more mechanical skills on. The guy with the Enfield I was looking at flaked so I went with another bike that was a better deal.

  8. 110 when I joined the Army, 135 when I got out, and 155 now. I had a hell of a time gaining weight for a while but the metabolism slowed down a bit, or the beer drinking increased...maybe both...Anyway, I'm not trying to gain or loose weight now, just shift it around.

  9. pick up the pace, because all this site has been is bitching and a large group of tards trainwrecking threads into sheep fucking and taint rubs. Honestly every thread goes to the same place.

    None of the threads that I hve started have done this. Granted I've only started two or three but I also tend to not post in threads, let alone start my own, unless I have something worthwhile to say. I know worthwhile is relative but, some snarky comments aside, I can't recall offering up leg humps or taint rubs. So how is it that every thread goes this direction? I think the mods do the best they can with what they're given.

  10. I'd like to thank everyone again for their offers and advice. I'm picking up an 81 Suzuki GN400 from Aerik's mom so I've now got my winter project / learning experiment. I'll try to take pics and post them as I work on it and I'm sure I'll have some questions before it's all said and done. :D

  11. Got my first bike at 24, it was a honda rebel 250. I rode it three times, just enough to get the hang of the clutch, before buying a 1999 honda shadow 650. Had the shadow for a year before trading up to the 2005 Bonneville because I wanted a bigger engine, a fifth gear, and I love the style.

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