craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap how does it taste coming out of your mouth? just like certain people would never join the military as not to directly contribute to the murder of another human, certain people wont become law enforcement officers as not abuse the authority, harass, corrupt, be hypocrites (speeding etc...) etc and etc.. people become leo's because they are basically mentally unstable and cant live with normal innocent human beings. or b/c they want to protect complete strangers and put their own lives on the line, b/c you know if a gun was put to an officers head and given the choice of them or some random biker the cop would gladly take the bullet ok of course there are some good officers out there but they either dont last long, hate working with the crazies, or quit the whole 600lb missle crap is crap, even if the biker did try to run him down the officer provoked it. that cop wasnt thinking and thats what i meant about being mentally unstable, who in their right mind pulls a gun when the situation doesnt call for it (and in this instance the marked car was right behind) lets agree that any yoohoo can become an officer. thank you special training/ brainwashing/ psychological preparation (manipulation) i do my best not to break the law so that i dont have to deal with these people 2am rant ftl- i will probably be apologizing for this post later