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Everything posted by Bubba

  1. I'm with Pokey and others who aren't totally anal in this thread. Most modern engines run so much cleaner than the motors we had 'back in the day', gasolines are much better at cleaning deposits from the upper cylinders, lead additives have been gone for years, and modern oils--whether dino or synthetic--are much more stable in terms of heat breakdown and oxidation. There isn't any reason to change other than at the recommended mileage/time intervals. For some home mechanics, the oil change process is more of a ritual than a necessary maintenance chore. Do it if it makes you feel good, but anything more than what the manufacturer recommends is a waste of good money and petroleum resources.
  2. Not a nutjob...just have four bikes and somehow have to justify to The Old Lady that I need ALL OF 'EM!!! When she comes home from work, she goes around the garage and feels all of the cylinder heads to see if they're warm. It's gonna be a bitch to keep all of 'em 'ridden' once the temps start to get really cold. Gonna have to invest in several of those plug-in block heaters to keep her in the dark.... Either that or I'm gonna have to move to south Texas or southern California so I can ride year round.
  3. Great riding with you, Zach! Had a blast, and didn't freeze my ass off. I got about 125 miles in for the day, so you certainly must end up with over 200. Let's hope the weather holds and we get to do this again. Zach and I met up at the I-275/Colerain Ave exit and rode the backroads in Colerain ,Green and Delhi Twsp and zig-zagged over to Anderson Ferry. Took the ride across and railed some of the great roads in NKY--20, 338, 18, along with a few goatpaths like Botts, Wolper, Ashby Fork--and then slabbed it home from the Petersburg exit on 275.
  4. Snork!!! Why you silly...I'd just skip on down to my nearby ATM and get out another $500 and buy me some of that good shit. Are you married? Have any children or grandchildren? Saving for retirement? Own any nice stuff? I mean, beside your fuel, water and ammunition stores? If so, WHY? 'Course I hope you realize I'm only pulling your chain, and I understand the need to plan and prepare for future unforeseen crisis, but if I had to live with your dark vision of the future, I think I'd kill myself now. I seriously hope and believe that not only will I survive and thrive, but that my children and grandchildren will as well, albeit in a different world that I have lived in for the last 6 decades. Hey, with any luck, when the survivors of the future get hungry, they'll choose to eat a politician.
  5. Oh, I assure you it's real. As a matter I just invested in one myself. It's 100% safe and guaranteed, and the returns are phenomenal....like 35% annual return on a bad year! If you want, send me your cash and I'll forward it to the institution that I'm dealing with.
  6. That's just plain stupid. What the fuck do you suppose the post-apocalyptic cyborgs are gonna do with it? Duh....use it to buy hot zombie strippers. Hey, I've got a great idea. Why don't you send it in to the govt to pay down the national debt!
  7. Sheit! I'm not new to riding. I'm 62 and I've been riding since I was 15. Left the house at 2:15, rode down to NKY and met up with Dice32 from LocalRider, had a beer sitting on the park bench in Rabbit Hash, then rode back across the river around 4:30 on 275. Speedo maybe touched 125 at some point, but not sure 'cause I had my eyes closed.... Stopped in Ross to meet a few friends who were just getting off work. I just got home a few minutes ago. Last few miles on the west side of Cinti the temp on the dash was wavering between 31 and 32 degrees. No heated gear! Admittedly, fingers were a little crispy when I got home. Whiskey in front of the fireplace feels purty good right now...
  8. I'm prolly gonna be putzing around the Cinti/NKY area later today, after it warms a bit. It's a long roll for you on a cold day, but just giving you a heads-up.
  9. Friggin' typical LocalRider squid! Nice collection, BTW. I wish I'd had the foresight to photo-document all my rides down thru the years. Still have the scars from a few...
  10. Of course, your post signature may be prophetic as to how this will turn out if you accept any of the recos you get here.... Originally Posted by jbot you ask for opinions on a forum full of potential strange assholes, you get strange asshole opinions. if YOU don't like that, don't post while looking up at us expectantly with your puppy eyes, putting your jaws around the curb and hoping for nothing but unicorns and good feelings... you're just gonna get your feelings curb stomped like just another innocent puppy on the internet
  11. Define your use of the word "future" with respect to time frame. 5 yrs? 10 yrs? 25+ yrs? Given the prospect for near-term growth in the broad market looking like it's gonna fall WAY short of the recent historic benchmark of 11-12% annual growth, your maturity horizon is pretty important as to where you put it. If I assume you're looking at tapping into it at retirement 25 years or more from today, I'd say stocks. My preference is a portfolio of 5-10 blue chips with long-term dividend growth performance. Coke, J&J, P&G, Exxon, Caterpillar, Merck, Pfizer, Walmart, Mcdonalds, quite a few more. Reinvest the dividends for steady portfolio growth. Of course, the historic record of dividend growth may not play out in an uncertain future, so for greater investment safety, a broadly diversified portfolio offered by a low-fee stock mutual fund or ETF from Vanguard or Fidelity might be wiser. Setting it up within a tax-deferred instrument like an IRA or Roth-IRA is the wisest, but with the uncertainty of impending tax increases, it's pretty much a crap shoot as to what happens that far out. Good luck. Of course, you COULD blow it all on fast motorcycles and hope your kids and the State will take care of you in your old age...
  12. Ummm, just a bit of an overstatement, eh? I agree that MX boots are long on protection and short on walking comfort, but last time I rode off-road in my MX boots, I'm pretty sure I was able to shift just fine. The larger, stiffer and heavier toe box would make for a cramped fit on a street bike, but still doable.
  13. Bubba


    Holy Carp! 220? On a Ruckus? That falls under the category of scooter abuse. EDIT: Unless, of course, you're practicing deadlifting with one in each hand....
  14. You've done an excellent job of training if your dog stayed relatively passive on command while/after being charged by another dog, especially in the presence of you and wife and even more surprisingly, while leashed. Every dog I've owned was always WAY more defensive of their space while being leash-walked by me. Presume it has something to do with both pack behavior and prolly feeling a little vulnerable due to the restraint. You had every right to be PO'd.
  15. Sheit. Drama? Infighting? Mud slinging? This place has NOTHING on the AFJ forum. You people are rank amateurs...
  16. Best be careful. The SEOs (Spelling Enforcement Officers) are gonna point out that should be "accepting responsibility" SEOs--You may not see 'em, but they're here watching. IJS
  17. Sorry, Magz. Yer prolly right. How about I replace "has a fear of unfamiliar dogs" with "obsesses about the possibility of being bitten again by an unfamiliar dog"... Ya gotta remember that dog lovers are at least as irrational and obsessive about dogs as are the dog haters. Truth.
  18. Wow, just wow! Nearly 100 posts in less than 2 days...and it's not about an exciting 2013 release of a new bike model. Lots of conjecture and flaming without a lot of facts: Fact: a cop shot a dog in pursuit of a suspect. Was it necessary or justified? I've seen nothing to confirm or deny this. Fact: a dog is dead. Was it viscious and attacking the officer? I've seen nothing to confirm or deny this. Fact: Duane (Magley64) had a bad experience with a dog decades ago and has a fear of unfamiliar dogs. Is he borderline psychotic? Well, I've got my opinion, but have no facts to confirm or deny this. Fact: there are far more posts about guns/gun rights/liberal anti-gun communist fags/hard-core right-wing pistol-carrying extremists on OR after riding season ends than during the warmer months. Does this mean the OR population has suddenly and dramatically tilted toward the skinhead mentality and that we're close to a zombie apocalypse? Again, I have my opinion, but have no facts to confirm or deny this. Legal disclaimer! Fact: I'm both a dog owner and gun owner. I may be both borderline psychotic and a zombie...but y'all have no facts to confirm or deny this. God, I hope winter is over REAL EARLY this year!!!
  19. It's come down to this...I either have to build a $15,000 garage addition to 'store' what amounts to several hundred dollars (at best) of stuff, or just offer it up to anyone interested. I've cruised the internet briefly to try to price these reasonably, but make an offer if you see something that interests you. Hearthstone Tucson Catalytic Vent-Free stove--Model 8740--$250 Original cost was approx $1100 (circa 2001). Heavy cast iron construction with rich brown enamel finish and real marble stone insets. Decorative fire logs give real fire appearance thru the glass front door. The unit incorporates an ODS (Oxygen Depletion Sensor) that shuts off the gas to the burner in the event of insufficient air supply for safe operation, and has a piezo electric ignitor and standing pilot flame. This stove does NOT require electric hookup (great for power outages). Includes extra catalytic combustor assembly (approx $250). A few nicks on the finish and one of the marble stones is cracked (see top pic). Includes owners manual, installation instructions, and remote wall thermostat. Please note that vent-free room heaters greater than 10,000 BTU may NOT be installed in a bedroom according to local code. Approx dimension: 26.5" H x 21" W x 20" D Output rating (BTU): 19,000 max to 12,500 min Fuel: NG Clearance to combustibles (side/back/top): 2"/2"/22" Top view Side view NOTE: The pics appear to show blemishes in the finish, but it's just reflections in the enamel. Black & Decker Router--Model 7616--$25 1.0 HP/5 A/23K RPM Router has been used lightly and little. I upgraded to a larger one awhile ago. I'll throw in a Craftsman router table (Model 925481) for free if you want it. This is definitely Craftsman NOT at it's finest. Barely homeowner quality, and I've never actually used it. That says it all...
  20. What part of "Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law" isn't clear?
  21. ...and obviously with a full roster of videographers and support staff. Not exactly as if she was traveling alone as a female in this very heavily male-dominated society. Lots of places I'd love to see....as soon as I've seen most of what the USA has to offer. Figger I've got several decades of travel here before I run out of the good stuff! [And, no, I'm not so provincial that I bleed red/white/blue. Born and raised Canadian and spent a year in Europe in the late 60s.]
  22. This is why OR peeps from Cincinnati never show up. We're not only all gay, but we get our feelings hurt easily, too! I can't WAIT for the video on this one.... Seriously, sorry I missed the backyard doo. Just a bit too far to drive after drinking, what with all the enforcement around the holi-daze. Not looking to add a DUI plate as a personalized vanity plate.
  23. Hmmmm. The way this thread started out, I thought was gonna try to come up for a few hours, but at this point....I think I'll just wait for the DVD to be released.
  24. Pretty sure this is a repost, but in case you're not familiar with it... Blog by a fella who's been 'homeless' on three wheels for at least 6-7 years. Stunning photos and an interesting train-of-thought way of posting. Don't know the complete back story, but I know his son died some years ago, which prompted him to do some SERIOUS soul searching. Been touring with his adopted rescue pitbull and living off the land--and the graciousness of his friends and acquaintances--and writing about his experiences. Makes a good read when you have some free time. http://theoasisofmysoul.com/
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