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Strictly Street

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Everything posted by Strictly Street

  1. Pics show for me, hmmm, I'll move them to a different site and see how that works. Gimme a sec...
  2. "That kinda freeky. Is it a real doll?"

    I think it is a real girl just posing for a photo shoot

  3. Weekend ride and camp. Hooked up with some people from RideOhio.org for a weekend of camping and riding. Here is a pic of the KZ loaded and ready to go. Rode from C-bus with a girl from RideOhio to Utica where we meet her parents who rode with us the rest of the way. Here is the bikes in Utica gearing up to hit the campsite. After a couple of wrong turns and an extra 60 miles or so we made it to the camp ground. The ride up, aside from getting lost, was uneventful. As I'm sure you have noticed from the pics the 1972 CB 350 which I have to admit surprised me by keeping up to the speed limit at the least and even going a bit faster a time or two. There were a couple of unexpected road hazards... Ahem, gives new meaning to the term "Depth Charges" Saturday we went for a 150 mile ride through the area. Most of the time we were within 10-20 miles of Cochocton. It is possible that we saw some of the OR guys doing their Beginners Saturday ride along the way. Hard to tell as there were bikes everywhere! About 40 bikes went on the ride Saturday. We were strung out for a mile or two down the highway. Sadly camera batteries didn't last as long as the ride. Video by saralynn518 on http://www.rideohio.org/showthread.php?t=7152. (The one with the 72 CB350) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUXMSCCicj0&feature=player_embedded Website of more videos is here: http://tanked09.weebly.com/ Heat exhaustion seemed to play a part in the afternoon, it was real hot out there. Every stop I was drinking large amounts of water but even so I stopped sweating at one point and knew I needed a lot more water soon. We stopped for ice cream where I inhaled a quart of water and a yummy Vanilla shake and then headed back to camp. Along the way a small town had its stop light synced so we got split up into little groups of 6 to 10 bikes. So we straggled back in little groups. That night someone brought some of the worst Tequila in the known universe to camp. We feared it would cause damage to the planet and decided to drink it to save the world. The worm was going to conquer the planet! +1 for a green attitude and saving the planet! Here is a group pic of their crew at the site. I rode back to C-bus with the girl on the CB 350. Made good time even though we stopped for lunch it as a nice little cruise. Until the bee flew up her sleeve and stung her. Talk about wild hand signals! Even the cars behind us slowed down! A quick stop with the first aid kit and we were on our way again. Got home, drank several gallons of water and crashed for the night. The Sun sure does wear you out.
  4. "Real Programmers" don't think html is a language, rather they say it is more of a script. On the other hand you can make amazing sites with PHP and MySQL. Which I think is the best combination out there at this instant of time. Fast and flexible is a win win situation.
  5. Chance of rain only 30% Which will of course change the closer we get to the day.
  6. Sent and re-sent. This version should work much better for you. I included tables, links, css and the like.
  7. Opps! un-comment the style section to make it work.
  8. A tag was in the wrong place. Corrected and sent back to you via email.
  9. LEDs on bikes? One side goes to +12 the other doesn't. As far as mounting them and that kinda thing, never tried to do it. Doesn't sound too hard if you have something to hide the wires with. Of course ripping the bike down to get to the place to mount them would be a separate challenge.

  10. I can't believe this thread is still going!
  11. :banana::banana: Yea!
  12. Looks like camping for me this weekend. See you all next week.
  13. Looks like a camping trip for me this weekend. See you all next week!
  14. ============


    I earned my dolphins when I was enlisted.


    But did you survive the great depth charge attack on Cleveland ave?


    See Looney's post and my reply :)

  15. I'm posting this so nobody else can say we are haters. This guy was at the event, dig the flames!
  16. Strictly Street


    Quaker Steak and Lube Bike Night 06/24/2009
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