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Strictly Street

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Everything posted by Strictly Street

  1. I would have to think that a motorcycle on top of you might make it a wee bit difficult to get your breath. Perhaps not medically true in this case but I'm sure it was on the minds of the neighbors when they moved the bike. Even so, perhaps the EMT's didn't have to reveal that little fact as it was moot at that point. No winners at this one.
  2. Strictly Street


    Ahh, finally a bike for use on 270!
  3. I really need a new helmet. This raffle is perfect timing. I'm in, sent it via PayPal.
  4. Astronomical! You could buy another bike for that! Yikes! OK, turbo is off my Christmas wish list.
  5. Isn't, net worth = assets - debt? All the cartoon lists is debt. I get the point of it but it's not the whole story. Wonder what the cartoon would look like if it were all congressmen?
  6. Um, isn't that "moot": An issue regarded as potentially debatable, but no longer practically applicable. Although the idea may still be worth debating and exploring academically, and such discussion may be useful for addressing similar issues in the future, the idea has been rendered irrelevant for the present issue. As opposed to "moo": An onomatopoeia imitating the sound made by a cow. (Yes that is spelled correctly) :lol:
  7. Nice crowd, good wings, new faces, new bikes to look at, all good. Can't wait till next week.
  8. Helmet? The article said head injuries. Truck and bike don't look that bad. He must have been squidly at the time. Sigh... RIP
  9. It would be a toss up for me, stop and help or chase the other guy down. I think helping might be my first choice, I dunno, hope I never have to choose.
  10. This is not a subsidy for the phone company at the taxpayers expense. Nor is it "Big Brother" tracking "income eligible" citizens. yet.
  11. Your bike is faster than mine. Even so, mine seemed to like being challenged. After a bit of the higher rev's it seemed to run better on the way home. Round town I never run it that fast, traffic and the like. The in-line 4 seemed to thrive in the power band (such as it is on my little bike) Anyway, a strange road is to be treated with respect, which I did, even so I had a couple of fun moments. I think I surprised Looney with a little burst of acceleration. Yep, the old girl still gets up when asked! (So to speak) All in all, a good day. Put about 120 mi on it today, not bad for a day. And tomorrow is another day!
  12. Were you the guy that looked like he wanted to say something, but then didn't? Yea, I did see you! Wondered who you were, or if you just hated my bike. Thursday, OR meet at BW&R. You can try again!!
  13. Followed the ride for awhile. I was in the back with some slower riders. Wanted to go faster but you know it is such bad manners to pass without the other rider being aware you are going to do it, I just stayed back. The girl with the white tank top seemed to rethink her choice of riding attire, dropped back, and then waved us on. Which lead inevitably to the split group. After a bit we could not figure out which way you all went at the next 4 way intersection, so we just went home. We did see some of you when we hit a cross street, double up with a pink jacket on the back. But then, you were gone. Way too late to catch up, so we didn't even try. Just had a nice ride in the country. (Except for those damn lighting bugs! They smeared on face shields like demon glue!)
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