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Strictly Street

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Everything posted by Strictly Street

  1. What he said, and^^^^^ How to bleed brakes on a bike. This of course must be done while swearing loudly and throwing wrenches across the garage or across the street if you have no garage. Hopefully there is a small child nearby to be scarred for life with your language. To save a small child from a life of crime here is my non-patented, DIY, your totally on your own, no guarantees express or implied, way of not going crazy trying to get the job done. Air trapped at the banjo or the split for the dual brake lines or caught in any other area can be a real pain in the a$$ to get rid of. First, the air can get back into the lines if you fumble tightening the bleeder nut or have any other real world problem reaching both the brake lever and the bleeder nut at the same time while trying to not tip over the bike or squirt brake fluid all over your nice paint job. This is most likely the reason you were throwing wrenches in the first place. Go to LOWE's or the like and pick up 6 feet of clear plastic tubing that fits over the bleeder nut snugly. ($2) Attach it to the bleeder nut leaving room to get a wrench on the nut without removing the tubing. Loop the tubing up over the handlebars at least as high as the brake Reservoir if not a few inches higher. You can get the end into a container of some sort to control the overflow. (See the pic - classic photoshop eh?) +++++++++ WARNING!!!!! Brake fluid eats paint and discolors plastic and is very bad for anything else it touches!!!! BE CAREFUL BRAKE FLUID WILL SQUIRT OUT OF THE RESERVOIR WHEN YOU SQUEEZE THE LEVER!! DON'T LET THE RESERVOIR GO DRY AS THAT IS SUCKING AIR IN FROM THE TOP. +++++++++ Now you can crack loose the bleeder nut and fill up the Reservoir. Notice the the fluid in the tube settles to a level and the air bubbles rise to the top. Here is where this method really works out. The air cannot get sucked back into the lines as it just rises through the fluid in the tube. SO with a few squeezes you get almost all the air out. Now for those nasty banjo and splitter air pockets. With a little practice with your now sealed but still open brake system. You can now have fluid flow in both directions to and from the master cylinder. Use this to 'rock' the air bubbles out. Small gentle pulls on the lever are all you need. After you think you have it, just close the bleeder nut, recap the Reservoir and give it a try. Not happy with the results? Do it again. Over time you will get all the air out. Do the same thing for the other side. Good luck!
  2. I'm thinking he was referring to stopping. Brake fade while towing is no joke.
  3. So we devolve into a class warfare scenario. The man behind the curtain just laughs and laughs! Wrong!Newt Gingrich balanced the budget with his "Contract with America" as speaker of the House Majority, Congress rammed it down his (Clinton's) throat with a republican majority in the 104th congress. Clinton could not have balanced the budget, he didn't write it, Congress does. Clearly you didn't pay much attention to what was going on and prefer to speak on Democratic talking points of failed arguments. Yawn, your lack of information is made up for by your eagerness to show it. I give you Reagan, 97 months of economic growth and he did it by lowering taxes not increasing the government payroll.Again, YAWN.
  4. You can bet there will be an additional tax on both ammunition and firearms down the road to "pay" for the database and all the other expenses. Wonder what kind of rate it would be? Incrementally outlawing by making them so expensive nobody can afford them except government. We have to let those Senators know that we are watching them and see what they are trying to do.
  5. They want to build a database. Changing this: 109.52 Operation and maintenance of bureau. The bureau of criminal identification and investigation may operate and maintain a criminal analysis laboratory and mobile units thereof, create a staff of investigators and technicians skilled in the solution and control of crimes and criminal activity, keep statistics and other necessary data, assist in the prevention of crime, and engage in such other activities as will aid law enforcement officers in solving crimes and controlling criminal activity. To this: Sec. 109.52. The bureau of criminal identification and investigation may operate and maintain a criminal analysis laboratory and mobile units thereof, create a staff of investigators and technicians skilled in the solution and control of crimes and criminal activity, keep statistics and other necessary data, maintain a firearm and ammunition transactions database, assist in the prevention of crime, and engage in such other activities as will aid law enforcement officers in solving crimes and controlling criminal activity. https://www.facebook.com/sherrod - Sherrod Brown https://www.facebook.com/StateSenatorKearney - Eric Kearney http://www.ohiosenate.gov/skindell/contact - Email Senator Michael J. Skindell http://www.ohiosenate.gov/tavares/contact - Charleta B. Tavares http://www.ohiosenate.gov/turner/contact - Senator Nina Turner Nothing to see here citizen, move along.
  6. The front page story is pretty cool too! http://www.michaelzwilliamson.com/index.php The Batmobile!
  7. Yes they are, but it's still hilarious!
  8. The last line of the story is kinda interesting. Protect them from whom? This guy already knows who they are.Odd.
  9. Set up a donation account thru paypal. Donate to yourself. Done.
  10. What would they be planning on shooting with hollow points?
  11. So it's just a regular ordinary bullet. Who knew? I was reading about the 10 million pistol cartridge .40 caliber 165 Grain, jacketed Hollow point bullets. I know what they are but I don't think I've ever heard regular bullets called ball unless it was for black powder. Must be hanging out in the wrong circles. Still can't figure out what they need 1.6 billion bullets for?!?
  12. Was reading an article about how much ammo the feds are buying and ran across this: What the heck is a "ball bullet"? http://www.infowars.com/dhs-purchases-21-6-million-more-rounds-of-ammunition/ Anybody have a guess on what they need all that ammo for?
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