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Strictly Street

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Everything posted by Strictly Street

  1. Not any more. Eric Holder has it, desperately searching for some way to get it to Mexico. There, fixed it for you.
  2. Carters answer to the quickly rising inflation problem of his day was this: He may have been a great negotiator with the Israel issues but he was clueless on economic and domestic policy. After all he got a Nobel Peace prize for his negotiation skills as for his other actions the history books are pretty clear about how well he did. Obama doesn't seem to have a handle on either international policies ie backing the wrong side in Egypt for example or his economic policy as the economy is still stagnant. His policies that he is promoting are "Obamacare" which is like watching a train wreck is slow motion. Immigration reform which will further damage the economy. And now "Travon Martin" by promoting racial tensions. Which does kinda make sense if you consider all the hollow point bullets the DHS has purchased expecting some kind of civil unrest. He does seem to have an effective policy for wiping out the middle class and creating class envy and racial issues but then again that is what he has done his entire professional life so that's actually not so surprising. His policies are eroding civil rights at a pace that would have the press screaming if Bush had done it. He also has political scandal after scandal after scandal that he is being given a pass on by the Press. What the history books will say about him depends on who gets to write them.
  3. Never leave with out a check, cc payment or service contract. If you do, never go back. This movie ends with lawyers getting fees and everybody else being pissed off. Small claims court for the deadbeat business owners doing the "We Won't Pay" shuffle. To many small business owners will do this as a tactic. It's all about who they can rip off.
  4. The NAACP among others are promoting civil action against Z. Although exactly what they hope to gain beyond actual press exposure is not really clear. The same tactic was used against OJ but he had cash. Z does not. So even if they win a civil action against him there will be nothing to "collect". The verdict coming out on a Saturday night was a little unexpected and falls out of the regular news cycle Riots so far haven't happened. Something to do with the police being ready I suspect. Unlike other "Race Riots" where they were caught off guard. Although I'm sure this isn't over it is at least the end of 17 months of disinformation and misinformation and talking heads talking about what the other talking heads are talking about.
  5. New giant rubber lips ‘will make you look younger’ A new device, which looks like a large pair of rubber lips, has promised to make you look younger without the need for surgery – as long as you don’t mind looking like a fool while using it. The Face Slimmer claims to solve the ‘timeless problem of how to give sagging facial skin and muscles a much-needed daily lift’. The product from the Japan Trend Shop needs to be placed on the mouth and the user then has to make vowel sounds for three minutes a day in order for it to work its magic. It apparently works by placing extra weight on the facial muscles.
  6. From the LA Times http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=YU2m3xf99R4 An intern at the National Transportation Safety Board confirmed to a Bay Area television station fake, racially insensitive names of the pilots flying the ill-fated Asiana Airlines Flight 214. The segment on Friday at noon that referred to two of the pilots as "Captain Sum Ting Wong," and "Wi Tu Lo," has gone viral and drawn heavy criticism on the Internet. Late Friday, the NTSB apologized for the incident. "Earlier today, in response to an inquiry from a media outlet, a summer intern acted outside the scope of his authority when he erroneously confirmed the names of the flight crew on the aircraft," the NTSB said in a statement. "The NTSB does not release or confirm the names of crewmembers or people involved in transportation accidents to the media. We work hard to ensure that only appropriate factual information regarding an investigation is released and deeply regret today's incident. Appropriate actions will be taken to ensure that such a serious error is not repeated," the statement added. It remains unclear how the station got the names in the first place. Two teenage girls from China and another passenger were killed and more than 180 people injured when the Boeing 777 clipped a sea wall and slammed into a runway Saturday at San Francisco International Airport. Asiana Airlines has identified the pilot and copilot as Lee Kang-kook and Lee Jung-min. The KTVU newscast was captured in a video posted to YouTube, in which the station displayed four incorrect pilot names on the screen and an anchor read them aloud. "The NTSB has confirmed these are the names of the pilots aboard Flight 214 when it crashed," the anchor said. "We are working to determine exactly what roles each of them played during the landing on Saturday." Another YouTube video showed an apology, read by the same anchor. "These names were not accurate despite an NTSB official in Washington confirming them late this morning," the anchor said. "We apologize for this error." The station issued a statement Friday afternoon acknowledging it had "misidentified the pilots involved." "Prior to air, the names were confirmed by an NTSB official in the agency’s Washington, D.C., office," the statement posted on the station's website said. "Despite that confirmation, KTVU realized the names that aired were not accurate and issued an apology later in the newscast." “We sincerely regret the error and took immediate action to apologize, both in the newscast where the mistake occurred, as well as on our website and social media sites,” Tom Raponi, KTVU/KICU vice president and general manager, said in the statement. “Nothing is more important to us than having the highest level of accuracy and integrity, and we are reviewing our procedures to ensure this type of error does not happen again.”
  7. Hilarious! Epic KTVU Fail: Anchor Reports Pilot Names Including ‘Sum Ting Wong’ and ‘Wi Tu Lo’ You’ll recall earlier this week, KTVU touted its coverage as being not only first, but “100% accurate.” “Being first on air and on every platform in all aspects of our coverage was a great accomplishment, but being 100% accurate, effectively using our great sources and social media without putting a single piece of erroneous information on our air, is what we are most proud of as a newsroom,” said News Director Lee Rosenthal at the time. Watch:
  8. Interesting design...
  9. Maybe we should start building an ark and gathering animals two by two. Looks like it will never stop!
  10. Bump for the topic. Couldn't help it, bring me a shrubbery or we will say nii!
  11. In the rain? Sigh... Sadness. Seems like a wasted day, might as well go to work and make a buck as sit at home and not while watching the rain.
  12. Strictly Street


    (radar map of sadness) Day off work and we have rain. Sigh...
  13. I'm seeing the same thing. The "trial" is devolving into race baiting. Consider headlines on some news sites: CRACKER CRIME: 'Why Black People Understand Rachel Jeantel'... 'What White People Don't Understand'... SALON: The smearing... State's star witness 'more effective for defense'... SHOW TRIAL... Zimmerman Acquittal to Cause Race Riots? Not much here about the rule of law or even the evidence at hand. All about race...
  14. Just when you think you've heard it all. I'm thinking he should have made the bet $100, after all he had to ride back to get his clothes. He didn't make it but still...
  15. http://www.foxcarolina.com/story/22694737/naked-man-on-motorcycle-arrested-in-ok :lol: He earned the money!
  16. glwts - bump Nice looking bike... So which exhausts does it have? And, do you really look that good? Damn, you and me are the only ones to look that good! All women need to jump on the back of the bike..... I will now return to your regular programing....... C'mon we do have good looks!
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