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Strictly Street

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Posts posted by Strictly Street

  1. Just kinda drizzled, not really even rain.

    Just had to watch for oil at the intersections and those painted on lines on the road.

    Got home damp, but not really wet.

    Looks like it's going to be this way all night, at least in C-bus.

  2. If you bring in a vehicle from out of state they will inspect it to make sure the numbers on the title match the numbers on the vehicle. A formality really. You have to go to a special inspection place. Not a big deal but you do have to go to the main office of the BMV to get it done.

    They won't know or care if it is a two stroke. An Italian title might get interesting but as long as you are not "Importing" the machine rather just transferring your personal property you should be ok.

    Good luck!

  3. Greetings!

    Hmm, Reckless Ops. This is a kinda weird one, LEO's judgment call and all that, unless of course you crashed.

    Depending on what the LEO considered reckless you may or may not have some room to wiggle.

    Of course I have to say, I'm not a lawyer and this is not legal advice.

    Remember you can appeal a verdict if you don't like it. Mayors court is not a 'Court of record' (last I heard) as such it can be appealed at will.

    Good luck!

  4. This looks to be a nice graphic of a "set" of "talking points".

    I admire the artwork, but can't help seeing the bias.

    C'mon, color coding it red and blue?

    Liberals love their children and conservatives don't?!?

    I can't help but wonder how this was determined?

    Perhaps it would help to put this in focus, realize the person who made it is a citizen of the UK. The might not see things the same way as a US citizen might, ya think?

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