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Strictly Street

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Posts posted by Strictly Street

  1. Tasty older bike!

    Don't get too carried away with the mods yet.

    Ride it a bit and see what really needs done.

    Get a H-4 headlight for cheap, PM me for details.

    Them older bikes didn't last this long without a reason.

    I gotta wonder, new motor is stock? Hmm....

    Sell the saddle bags for $5.00 to any 1980 KZ rider you know from the here. :)

    For, um aerodynamic reasons, Yea, thats the ticket! ;)

  2. Back OT...

    I have questioned global warming all along. Global CLIMATE CHANGE is real, but it is cyclical, and has been for thousands of years, and will most likely continue to do so. For people to think that we are significant enough to do that much damage is pretty arrogant. I'm not actually saying we can't cause that much damage, but with the smog and pollution regulations that have been put in place over my lifetime, things are getting better, not worse!

    Back in the 60's it was global cooling. Yep, that was the issue.

    Of course the 60's kids grew up to be the 2000's establishment authority figures.

    Not wanting to re-cycle an old idea they took it and made it a 'new' idea. then they...

    a) profit.

    b) became money grubbing politicians.

    c) Decided your money is easier to spend than their own money.

    d) all of the above.


  3. So if you can't prove you used to have a job you can't have a new one?

    Sound kinda like health insurance.

    Papers please citizen.


    Where are your papers?

    Does it seem like the world is moving the wrong way on items like this?

    Written 2000 years ago:

    And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

    and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

    Not standing on a soap box, rather waiting for Rod Serling to explain the plot to me.

    Presented for your inspection...


  4. So where are we going tonight again? I'm probably going to hit up the KoC.

    Is that an official plan?

    Might be a good idea.

    C'mon, it's just down the road from BW&R.

    Besides, Moose has missed everybody cause he was working Thursdays all summer long.

    He might be lonely, we should all show up and give him a hug!

    (cheap drinks) Ahem! As I was sayin' It's the right thing to do. :)

    cite: Recon's weather report.


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