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Strictly Street

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Posts posted by Strictly Street

  1. I knew where this was headed when I read this,

    Valentino Rossi stood out in the crowd like a sunflower among lilies.

    Flashes from digital cameras worked overtime, helping to capture the race car driver’s every blink

    Journalism at it's finest.

    Yet the newspapers wonder at their dwindling readership....

  2. I dont get 5 pages, but the task manager shows that i have 5 (sometimes 2 sometimes 3...) IE tasks running. Never used to do that. I dont d/l the toolbars, i have tried MalwareBytes and that did nothing as well as a-squared with the same result; nothing. Rolling back to a restore point is something I havent done. Trying not to do that unless I have to.

    Restore point should be generated when programs change. Notice I said 'should' not will. Try opening up the controls for restore and see when the last restore point is. If it's only a day or two ago, roll it back. Make sure to copy/back up any valuable data that is newer than the restore point first.

  3. So here is the issue, when I open up interenet explorer i have multiple iexplore.exe tasks in my task manager. iexplore.exe is the task name but there has always only been one now there is sometimes up to 5. I have looked on google and i am certainly not the only one to have this issue but some of the things they mention have not worked. It is taking up a lot of my memory, which isnt much since it is an old comp, and sometimes kills a LOT of the CPU. Anyone?? Anything? Help please!!!

    Installing firefox is a good start. But failing that you still have a problem.

    What the problem is isn't to clear without a bit more information.

    When you opened IE you got 5 versions of it.

    Ok, fine Lets ask a couple other questions.

    What version of IE are you using?

    Is it opening up to the same page 5 times or is it 5 different pages?

    Is it always the same 5 pages?

    What happens if you close the other 4 versions?

    How many tool bar "helpers" do you have installed?

    Did you shut it off and then turn it on and if so did it happen again?

    Have you run a virus scan?

    A malware scan such as 'MalwareBytes'?

    Have you tried a rolling it back to a saved 'restore point'?

    Directions for how to use a restore point are here:


  4. He lives on the West side, you think he was going to BWR?

    Oh, and it wasn't me...

    I live on the west side and I go there all the time. Well except this time.

    Rain and the car is giving me trouble so I thought I'd take this one off.

    Maybe a good thing I did.

  5. Clearly Amelia Robinson has the worlds pulse at her fingertips.

    A discerning writer such as this deserves every bit as much respect as those she writes about. I was pleased to see that she did do some journalist work by referring to sports illustrated as a source. An admitted former Browns fan who feels that being a fan can be cruel as sports of any kind are ruthless if you care about them. She does seem to know her way around the sports world.

    I have no idea what or who she writes about now but I think it only fair to say I for one really would like to see her riding a 1000cc Unicorn around town.

    Being an admitted media mongering attention wanna be by limiting herself to writing articles about such important topics as [sic] "arrested for dog fighting, are one of the Williams sisters, or are dating Jessica Simpson, I could not care less about most athletes".

    She does seem to be ready to move up in the world of journalism. I really do think that her riding a 1000cc Unicorn around town might get her a spot on either "Fernwood 2-Night" or "America 2-Night". Ah the big time at last TV!

    But friends, there is hope. She does say that "it would be cool to have something to cheer about".

    Pray tell, what does she do now?

    -This parody brought to you by Strictly Street :)

  6. Hmm.. A tempting topic for the flame war fairy.

    A semi-informed opinion is what I'm trying for here.

    Starting at the beginning.


    The laptop is 4 years old - so the hardware is a little out of date.

    Nice things to have that the newer ones do is things like larger displays, Dual core CPU's, bigger hard drives and more RAM.

    RAM and the hard drive you could add to the existing laptop, CPU and display, not so much.

    So from a performance perspective , new would be nice.

    But do you NEED all that?

    No idea, but that is the hardware end of it anyway.



    Windows XP home is useless, avoid it.

    Windows XP Pro is still well supported in the educational community.

    Vista, not so much, it's out there but not in heavy use.

    Windows 7, the new operating system isn't released yet to the general public.

    The feeling I get from system administrators is that they will not deploy this until at least the first service pack is out.


    All versions of the MAC software are supported to some extent.

    By this I mean you may have to add something to connect to or from a windows network. Software to do this is readily available. However knowing what you need and how to install it might make you wish to have your own MAC guru to help.

    If you are going to school for any graphics art courses, MAC wins hands down.


    They are no doubt running UNIX for their main servers. UNIX is the KING for servers but it is NOT user friendly at all, not even a little bit.

    Both MAC and Windows can hook up to UNIX easily.

    Other facts:

    Windows is the de-facto standard of the business world at this time.

    Student study groups/networks most likely run windows or MACs but not both (depending on the subject matter).

    MACS cost twice as much as PC's up front.

    PCs are cheap to get into but their long term cost can be higher than you thought. (depending on what software you buy).

    Personal opinion:

    If I didn't know how to do it I would get someone who did know how to set it up for me.

    I am a cheap bastard so I would hot-rod the existing laptop with more RAM and a newer faster hard drive (if needed)

    I would also flash the BIOS for more speed and features (NOT for the faint of heart, you do it wrong your toast)

    Wipe the drive, destroy and then rebuild the partitions and start with a fresh install of Windows XP PRO.

    Add as few applications as possible.

    Get a USB backpack drive to load all my data on to keep it secure.

    Install anti-virus, Malware and back-up applications.

    Update these applications frequently.

    Total cost ~ about $300-$400

    New laptop ~ $1500 -$3000

    I would avoid any "Custom" set ups such as Linux simply because you don't know how to use them and getting help recovering a file needed in the next 15 minutes for your term paper might be a hassle.

    Anyway, that's my two cents worth

  7. Your right, no facts to go on.

    Yet you still missed my point which is if she pulled out in front of him it is her fault.

    Thats it.

    There are two parts to the law, not just the "Everybody knows you have to stop at the sign"

    Stopping at the sign isn't all there is to it. You have to wait for the intersection to be clear before procceding.

    Of course there are any number of reasons why she didn't see him.

    Some are legally defensible, some aren't.

    Odd that you assume it was the riders fault.

    That he was doing something wrong to deserve to die.

    A lot of riders do stupid things and are killed, fact.

    A lot of cars do stupid things and kill riders, fact.

    Somebody died, somebody is getting a ticket.

    Just for the record, always on headlight is not required on all motorcycles.

    Older bikes manufactured before the law are exempt.

    Not that it is a good idea to ride with out it being on.

    just sayin'

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