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Strictly Street

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Everything posted by Strictly Street

  1. There was a Palestinian brigade ordered to take a hill so they could get better recon info. So they sent a patrol to take the hill. After several hours, they sent another patrol to see what happened to the first patrol. After several more hours they sent a brigade to find out what happened to the last two patrols. A single solder crawled back, he was shot, stabbed, beaten, and horse whipped. He reported: "There were two of them" ============ Joke with a point Israelis are the top toughest fighters in the world, even the Russians are concerned about pissing them off. CCW is every citizen, kinda like the old days in the USA. When men were men and women were glad of it. Or some such stuff
  2. Looks like it will be almost 4000 by tomorrow
  3. I wanted a standard, this was as close as I could get at the time.
  4. Just found this thread. It started bad but is ending good. Praise be.
  5. What a lame ploy. Although his engrish is pretty good. Yea man, I just tell all the chicks I'm a spy. Works every time!
  6. What, nobody wants to have a little fun! Secret Mr Anderson message: V jbaqre ubj ybat vg jvyy gnxr fbzrobql gb svther guvf bhg YBY!!
  7. Careful! Brake fluid does very bad things to paint and plastics. Another tip brought to you from the "You might wonder how I know this" department. That is all
  8. A shame the weather was so crappy. Sounds like a pretty good ride if the weather would have been nicer to you. The rain in New Mexico would have sucked, only rains three days a year until you get there. Floods and fog. what a ride.
  9. Hmmm... turkey Yep at least two.
  10. Greetings! I was wondering who you were. So cool your on the board too. Small world, Ohio Riders seem to be everywhere!
  11. What is sadder, you sayin it or me reading it while getting even geekier than you. Check the timestamps on the posts..... Time for a break from the books.
  12. I think they are referring to the TV show "Scrubs" And more to the point, this guy. At least you know who they mean now.
  13. Sad news, but there is hope. Speedy recovery.
  14. Seeing as it seems to be the butter that effects the toast I say just butter the entire cat directly. Lets see how that works! Cat booties! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OL3BrCi0aE8&feature=player_embedded
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