Been following the medical laws over the last few years have we? The infrastructure to track everything you do in the name of medical is there already. Just needs a couple of touches to bring it all together. Starting with the idea that you can't see your own medical reports, they are for health professionals and Homeland security. Banking reform with more govt oversight. Meaning 'they' now have direct access to all your banking info, 'they' own the bank. Everything moving to a cashless society via VISA, Master Card and the like. Biblical prophesy, cats and dogs living together in sin, where will it end? And thats a wrap for the Obama-Nation show for this evening folks. Join us next time for our tribute to Al Gore, inventor of the interwebs! Until then, here's hoping for change! (cue the music, and the announcer ) Nothing to see here, move along.... Even the tin foil hat guys get one right every now and again.