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Everything posted by rawlins87

  1. looks like you had fun at wayne steve, hit me up next time you go
  2. im down. i cant keep up with your new toy on straights, but you won't be able to keep up with me on turns:popcorn:
  3. 10k miles for 5k? seems high 2 me maybe for like 3500-4000
  4. sounds good i'll have to get in contact with you, one problem might arise...i might have to work sunday:eek:
  5. anyone from columbus area coming down wanna meet up and ride down to dayton?
  6. happened way before johnny knoxville got nitro circus together
  7. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=carroll+oh+43112&daddr=dayton+oh&hl=en&mra=ls&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=37.052328,78.75&ie=UTF8&z=9 Just seached carroll-dayton I should be out on the RR, the DRZ wont cut riding long distances
  8. well looks like this one will be rained out
  9. I'm down to meet some of you guys and ride. Im not familiar with the dayton area, where is this gas station or US35 for that matter?
  10. is that stock gearing on knobbies? There are plenty tripple digit crf's
  11. shitty picture- blurry kinda out of focus heres my rides
  12. ok i get some chitty cell phone pics (broke no camera) had the cbr at Dyno Brians last night. made 97.4hp with a slip on and factory settings.
  13. Nice last name I'm always down to ride. Whenever you wanna ride just pm me your #
  14. true maybe be 5% of the people that buy diesel dont use them.... if you buy a diesel truck its for a purpose...you have something to tow/pull
  15. me (josh) shawn or John. it doesnt really matter...The truck looks like its had a bedliner in it a while (the liner has been used) and it has a gooseneck in it.
  16. call the dealership for that truck you wanted the figure on...i can't reply your pm, i have to wait 12 hrs (some newb policy i guess)
  17. what kind of price range and options do you need? I have a couple here
  18. rawlins87


    ill be goin to work out at powershack pickerington, then down to ride
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