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Posts posted by JBartolucci4

  1. I didn't lump you all together. :confused: Chill, I don't care either way. If I get caught, I get caught. Do the crime, pay the fine or do the time!

    I wasn't being specific to you, lol, I just quoted you because you asked the question. LOL I think all of this is funny, I'm not mad or upset. I feel the same way if I get a ticket I get a ticket, I'm nothing special.

  2. Kind of off topic but I do have a question.

    In all honesty. If you will be so kind. ;)

    Do you or your fellow officers frequent internet websites, like this one here, to find route plans to mark and patrol the route and pull over riders you are convinced will be there and speeding?

    I know it's the web and a honest answer is doubtful. Anyways what you got?

    I can see going to some stunter forums to stalk them. Due to the fact that many of the times they are putting many people in danger by doing stunts in traffic in order to be scene and get attention. But not a forum like this. Call me crazy but I think you all should have better shit to do. Like pull over drunks that go to the same bar everyday and drive home drunk everyday without a care in the world.


    Absolutely not! I am here because I like to ride and like the company of others while I'm doing it. In fact I have NEVER (my 4 years) cited a motorcycle for anything... not saying that will be true forever, but at least to this point. Mid-Ohio sports car course is very close to my city and when its super bike week I just sit back watch and laugh, and in some very unfortunate situations pick up the messy pieces.

    Just because you don't like police don't lump us all together, we are all people and everyone is different.

  3. So if you didnt stop for an unmarked car, would you get a fleeing and evading? because thats a felony isnt it? i thought i heard it was?

    Its an M1 for us. I don't think any judge in the world would uphold a fleeing and eluding charge based on an unmarked car stop. Easy defense: I didn't think it was a real police car and I didn't stop in fear of being butt raped.

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