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Everything posted by RFM

  1. Indainapolis MotoGP time. Might be a time for a Fuck David Brisard T-shirt...
  2. Yeah. Not often enough though. It's this damn work and glue sniffing routine that's killing that.
  3. I'm at work and sniffing liquid paper. Expect the same.
  4. I was just thinking how much I didn't want a Sprite after seeing that.
  5. Yeah- I was sort of surprised not too much noise went on after I posted the follow up. Civil Suit. And castration would be good too.
  6. Sounds cool. When is this?
  7. How the hell did you persuade Boy George to fit his foot in there too?
  8. I doubt a fleshy taint would have stopped an anal intrusion. So how far'd you sink the seatpost?
  9. Damn... It took you that long to come up... with that?
  10. I'm down, and down the road just a bit. Summerfest this Saturday, but open after.
  11. I hate working until 8:00. I wants meats.
  12. And thus the enlightened one has spoken. So be it.
  13. I only have a set at home. At work I use a spork for everything.
  14. RFM

    CountryGirls copy

    Despite being problematic at times, it sure is nice to have a woman with teeth though.
  15. Like it or not, the government cannot be in the business of saying what religious establishment is built there. Nor can it stop a Hoggy's from being built beside the mosque either.
  16. RFM

    Hello All

    Welcome. Keep safe!
  17. I wheelied the hell out of my Triumph. I crashed too. Make sure you consider what life would be like with two broken wrists before you go hellfire for it. Maybe age has slowed me down a bit, but I'm ok without the whoolies now.
  18. My album's been hacked! Good stuff... Heh!
  19. According to another friend there, his story changed to indeed blame Jason- several times even...
  20. Either a shell game, or a lot of t-shirts!
  21. But it is, arguably, junk worth complimenting.
  22. Any idea when the non compete ends?
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