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Everything posted by RFM

  1. RFM

    No caption

    Never gets old...
  2. RFM

    kahoots girls

  3. RFM

    loud exhaust

    Yeah, mine can be loud. Never been ticketed for it though. It's a V-twin, and not as obnoxious as a straight pipe Harley I guess.
  4. Chicken strips indicate nothing. Blistered edges.
  5. RFM

    New From Ky

    Yeay. Warming for him and her!
  6. Sorry in advance for what ensues. Welcome!
  7. RFM


    From the album: Interwebz Stuff

  8. Advertise your services in the Other paper, under Adult Services Offered. Pimp yourself out for money one cock at a time, and buy a cool car. You hold your own future in your hands.
  9. If I am ever in Florida, I'm going to leave him a top decker. But I'm like that on vacations, so it's nothing personal.
  10. It looks like you have another 10,000 miles on the center, and another 25,000 on the edges...
  11. I guess you're right. A hot pink halter top always screams "Hey look at me!!!"
  12. RFM


    Strangely both slightly provocative, and confusing at the same time...
  13. If that's not a good example of creepy ghey love, I don't know what is....
  14. On the way to Mid Ohio to watch some AMA races a few years back, a friend took one to the dome. The funniest thing to see from behind is a sudden feather puff from a helmet, and a cartwheeling bird. Shit, that sounds evil...
  15. RFM

    My New Lid!

    My Arai is full of helmet funk... On the bright side, a new Suomy should be on my doorstep soon. Nice looking find that you made though!
  16. RFM

    Skydiving Meet

    From the sound of it, I call seconds on Robin. In...
  17. RFM

    The voice of Reason!

    That's what bothers me. They're our loudest and most vociferous though...
  18. RFM

    Skydiving Meet

    Do they take requests? I want to be bound to an Amazon. I'll behave.
  19. RFM

    The voice of Reason!

    People don't even have to use a dictionary anymore. It's not difficult to look something up online... To eech his oan.
  20. Idiots Untie! http://www.flickr.com/photos/pargon/sets/72157623594187379
  21. Whenever the road is dry, and salt is not an issue. I don't care about temperature, because I can dress for it. I've been out in the teens on my scooter.
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