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Posts posted by KTMRIDER

  1. Gonna try to do a ride to Coshocton and back with a quick fast food early lunch stop. All bikes are welcome and I plan on it being a spirited yet safe pace. I'm leaving from Elyria and I'm meeting a buddy at the Pilot truck stop at I71 and RT83. As of now probably 8:30 there meaning an 8:00 depart from Elyria.

    Saturday May 18th

  2. Problems becomes..... you have guys buying 10 second bikes as their first motorcycle. A lot of new guys think they are way better riders than they are and when they get a ass pucker reality check its too late. They don't trust that the bike will make the turn if they just commit and keep it leaned over and leave the brakes alone. We have all made stupid squid mistakes. Lucky for me mine were made in a 1981 Kawasaki LTD440 that barely went fast enough to get hurt on...LOL, but I learned how to go fast on a slow bike which made going faster on a faster bike easier and safer.

  3. Lol. I have a feeling you know exactly what I'm trying to say. It's the youngins that have a hard time with the concept

    Thats how we ride to. 70ish on the straight s and 70is in the turns. 99% of the time you can pass a Sheriff doing 70 in a 50 on a back road and the wont even look at you funny. Having saddle bags on your bike also seems to make you invisible to cops too... LOL

    Taken a couple of younger guys on sport bikes with us and they were bummed when I explained how we do it..... Untill they figured out that doing close to the speed limit in the straights and 3X the posted speed in the turns is a lot harder than it seems.

  4. And like they say..... 2 types of riders. Those that HAVE crashed and those that WILL crash. Glad you got yours out of the way without too much fuss and damage.

    I just hope that all the times I have crashed dirtbikes since I started riding in 1975 exempt me from crashing on the street... LOL

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  5. The crop of "new guys" mostly in Central Ohio that seemingly keep riding over their head thinking of only speed as opposed to smooth riding and thus having mishaps. I don't mind being the dick to point this out if it helps people get some understanding and stop wrecking and putting themselves at greater risk. Nobody here wants bad shit to happen to other board members on rides

    Its not just Central part of the state..... No shortage of squids who want to race me on 480 on my comute to work, Usually with their girlfriend on the back. Use to be I would go ahead and play with them, but I have come to believe most of these kids on sport bikes have no clue how to turn of brake.

  6. Low beams untill I come to an intersection or when I see a car looking like they are getting ready to pull out in front of me. I think the lights switching from low to high does more to get their attention. Plus I want to be able to go to high beams when there are slow movers in the left lane.

    And yes I have considered that flashing on my hi beams to a car waiting to pull out of a parking lot may make the cager think I'm signalling them that they can pull out, but so far nobody has.... Been riding accident free since a lot of you guys were born.... LOL

    And YES sport bikes with single side low beams looks like crap, My FJR has symmetrical headlights.

  7. Anyone in cleveland area riding down that wants to ride down with me? Or hell, Columbus even.

    What day/days are going to be the main riding days at Deals? What are the other plans? I assume guys aren't going to be riding up and down the Dragon for 3 days?

  8. I had already had a trip to the area planned for this weekend. I will be leaving Thursday morning from Elyria (near Cleveland) and taking all backroads to get there. If anybody wants to ride down with me let me know. As of now I'm rolling solo. I'm riding a FJR1300 and plan in making good time and other than taking a few pics along the way I prefer to put the miles on.

  9. Had a GREAT RIDE today. Trail conditions were excellent. Yes the quad tard mud holes were full to the top, But we avoid the main trails like the plauge. The back trails were in really nice shape except for quite a few trees down, But that's OK... Keeps all but the die hard single track guys off them. Me and my group got in 6 hours of riding and I am freakin' tired. This 45 year old body needs more excersize:D

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