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Posts posted by KTMRIDER

  1. Looks like there will be 3 of us heading down from up North. I suppose we will hit the road at 6:00am to get us there about 9:30. Looks like it's gonna be a warm one:eek: 93 degrees! Also appears to be about no chance of rain:D.

    We'll have me on my 525MXC, CJ my brother on his 450MXC and Unclepunk(Tod) riding my sons 250EXC. We'll be representin' team ORANGE:cool:

  2. We got in a lil' group ride of our own consisting of a couple KTM Nine-Fiddys and a couple H-D's. Left Grafton at noon and headed South on 301 and made our way down to Loudenville. From there we cut across 39 to Millersburg where we had a decent lunch at a Mexican joint. We then worked our way back North and got home at 4:00. Not quite the addrennelin rush of a UnclePunk ride, But we stayed dry and had a good time.

  3. Must remember that a motorcycle has a rear brake.

    And to fuck you up even more..... Remember that the 250 has a Rekluse clutch and the rear brake is where the clutch normally resides. I guess if I was able to master the reverse shift pattern of your 600 you should be able to figure out a left hand rear brake

    And besides it's not that you DON'T use front brake.... I use mine plenty... Ya just gotta beeeee.... SMOOOOOOOOOOOOOTH:cool:

  4. Looks like Me & CJ are gonna be riding with Patrick and John.... I think that we are going to just ride a bit more mellow and put together a ride that is a bit shorter. We have a dual sport ride the following weekend and don't want to be gone all day this weekend.

    We'll be doing this next weekend with UnclePunk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3HKiQ_Npcg

    And I guess you can see why I said that a bit of gravel on the road didn't bother me last weekend;) Thats me out front on my old 625SXC


    I am a pretty good dirt rider who just started riding street bikes again... I rode way back in the old days when Vmax's first came out(1984-1986), But haven't really been on a streetbike since then till I got KTM 950 Adventure a couple months ago. This was my second "FAST" ride. I feel I am a decent rider who tries to ride at 80% of my skill level and not much more. For my safety I hope that the extra 20% and a bit of luck will keep my bike shiney. I came with Tod(unclepunk) and chose to tail him. I was able to keep in the top 5-ish riders and usually keep them in sight. I know ALL the guys ahead of me could have left me in the dust if they wanted. I as an ADULT chose to stay in my safety zone and when I was pushing as hard as I felt comfy.... If I saw that crazy SOB on the Ducatti on my tail my left hand went out and waved for him to pass. Same was true for the guy on the Aprillia and also the guy on the Honda with the white jacket. I felt very good to tail the Aprillia and Honda guy. I learned alot about choosing lines in turns. When I felt like I was making mistakes I backed down a bit untill I regained my composure. And then on the second loop I started to think about other things(family being gone and on their way home from TN.) and I decieded that I either needed to focus on riding or head home... I headed home. I had a great time and think the Coshocton crew did a great job of staggering guys along the whole crew to tend to the flock.

  6. No, but I'm sure they came in handy when that minivan ran you off the road. Had that happened to any other bike they would have eaten it. :)

    Yah I did my best Jay Springsteen imitation around that curve:cool:

    You young guys will have to Google J.S.

  7. I do think that I am real close to the edge of the capabilities(for me anyhow) of my dual sport tires on my bike. I was just out looking them over and I was able to get some wear all the way to the edge of the tread blocks. And they started getting kinda squirmy over there:eek:

    Go ahead.... Somebody say it..... "Hey DUMBASS.... Those tires(and bike) aren't made for doing this stupid shit":D

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