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Everything posted by socaln8tv

  1. thank you!! still not a hundred percent. was layed up last couple of days and today was shoveled novacain till i almost wriggled out of the dentist chair... forgive!!
  2. no have not found one yet. im researching for next season. for the people that appreciate moto guzzi, what about them is dif than say some of the other makers? i wish i could understand the odd acceleration concept. now i have to ride one. argh.
  3. hey, also is this bike really heavy? dealerships in central ohio?
  4. i like the classic upright styling and the retro look. any one with experience maintaining this bike? reliability? ease of access to parts? cost of maintaining? insurance? i think its an attractive bike but i havent seen alot of info on it. that being said im hoping it looks even better in person. i'm 5'2" so ideally, id like something where my feet are planted reasonably. if i sell my yamaha and xr100, its a realistic option.
  5. glad to hear it. after hearing about your evening before last, what a relief for you. so far its 4pm and im good.. so far.
  6. socaln8tv

    Beach in Spain 2008

    such a pretty shot
  7. welcome to the site. any plans to get your endorsement or pick up a bike? Enjoy!
  8. as predicted, not sick this morning at all. placebo affect? highly unlikely CAUSE THIS IS DAY THREE....same story, different day. its looking like it could go 8 days. god help me.
  9. he got scared from a scooby doo cartoon and crawled in bed with me, and im too layed out to give a shit at this point! appropriate titles for you Dr. Milk?? i don't know how/why it exactly rolled that way at that time, but id say that was a perfect cover. perfect in the memory sense -- one of those stories i'll be writing in the mags about embaressing moments with the kids... i have more...trust me.
  10. lunatik, im not feeling well but i cant sleep and came acrossed your thread. i read every word. i'd go back and comment on each but its too late for me and plus -- i rather appreciate what you had to say and concur with all of it. ive been riding since april this year so we r both rookie street riders. i think the one about your girlfriends clapping is hilarious and i can see how its true.. oh and the last one about bikes and women -- well said!
  11. you passed a stone today? ive never had babies the natural way but ive had stones before and that is pain i have to imagine is worse than childbirth. pain so horrible i think i passed out in shock, the only time ive picked up the fon for an ambulance. that they gave you meds in your iv is truely a blessing.. not trying to be dramatic but stones are not our friends. you havent had a good week, hopefully you have afew days to catch up/heal.
  12. you know this couple stepped out of a mobile home park somewhere down south.
  13. he looks like my dog. in fact their are three dogs in my small neighborhood, where they all look like your new pup. names? i like max. good strong name for man or dog.
  14. have not lost my appetite at all either. normally i don't eat at all when im truely sick so thats a flag right there for me.
  15. or how all the victims are old white ladies who cant get up....
  16. i love chris rock. so here's an interesting factoid peritinent to said youtube flick -- even fertility patients use robitussin. truth.
  17. my 6yr old son is laying in bed with me asking me what a milf is. i told him you misspelled milk. now he wants to know what the milk dr. is? I can't win. but for real -- change of seasons maybe now that i think of it. today i was tossing the idea of sinus infection around.
  18. you never know what kind of business you can land with a simple act of connecting with a client who also has a love for riding! ... or you could just ask them about the picture of his bike on his desk. that might be easier!
  19. i hope i recover soon. i just yelled at my kids from my bed and told them im a donkey on the edge... and "get the (insert pottymouth) in bed!" i swear im going to loose it. ps. jagr -- that graphic is hysterical
  20. do you have any one to take care of you?
  21. right .. since this board is so chaste and all.
  22. wow, u sound way worse than me. when i get like you describe, i approach delirium. are you sweating it out yet? i hope this doesnt turn worse
  23. seriously? you are the first person to confirm this for me. im dying here. how long did it last for you guys?
  24. ....well now that the cat is out of the bag.
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