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Everything posted by socaln8tv

  1. socaln8tv


    i utilize tweetdeck and i havent heard of this guy. too funny!
  2. guilty as charged! ...and home again tonite. i can hear the music at bennys thou. how depressing.
  3. welcome to the board. enjoy!
  4. fyi -- i dont know if the interstates are still under contstruction but i hit major construction/single road slow downs miles upon miles through texas and oklahoma. that was august, about 6 weeks ago on my return trip so, betting they arent finished with projects yet either. it slowed my timing down on those long straight painful i-40 stretches.
  5. Enjoyed lunch today with you guys. it was nice talking with you. hopefully we can get the bennys' thing into reality. i do my best but im pulled in multiple directions. just grateful i got to meet up today finally. dont know you that well but im sorry this past week has been rough. take care - kimberly

  6. you too! thank you for sharing your story. arent you glad you didnt have to type it?
  7. we arrived closer to 12:30... my bad but glad to make it.
  8. hey! nice meetin ya'll today .. fun group, better opp for more socializing next time. finally putting some faces 2 names
  9. trying to remember and keep trak. sorry!

  10. hey! nice meetin ya'll today .. fun group, better opp for socializing another time i suppose!

  11. hey! nice meetin ya'll today .. fun group, better opp for socializing another time i suppose!

  12. yes christina -- you are pleasant and easy to be around. for sure again!

  13. c everyone at lunch. looking forward to it and food. im hungry!
  14. got your facebook msgs. looking forward to it!

  15. +1 carmel. the penninsula and yosemite were the last places we vaca'd at the week before we moved here. loved driving 17 mile drive / beach. the overcast sucks but it's overwhelming beauty. you can just skip la. i can't stand the place. and despite my love for carmel, im all about san diego.
  16. i would like to go. im feeling good this evening and my kids are all in school during the day. count me in as long as no one cares i wont be on my bike.
  17. hey i might actually be able to go, but id have to take my truck. wanna go together? its cool if you are going to ride thou. i might actualy be able to make this cause all my kids are in school and i feel better!

  18. im sure you didnt wake up this morning and imagine that happening. kind of sucks your energy dry. the first time happening 4 u , realistically the man making a scene doesnt speak for all of course. but yeah, very sad actually, and awkward for you and your customer. if someone wants to call me a white bitch or whetta or some derogatory caucasian remark, i seriously could give a rats ass. in fact i might blow them a kiss back cause im so sweet... but the kkk or the neo nazis, well they just make me want to vomit.
  19. your signature quote is worth sharing. u dont mind do you? even my girlfriends will appreciate that, but i'll be saving it for a good glass of merlot.

  20. hey guys, dont mind me on my own thread and all.... just wanted to say that youtube vid was very sweet. and in a non-gay reference to frisco, did you get to eat at the wharf? i love the boudin bakery... thee best sour dough bread clam chowder bowls on the west coast.
  21. hi ginger and welcome to the board. i really value this website as it is my rookie year riding street and i can't imagine not having OH as a resource, additionally, a place to share. alot of jokesters here but at the end of the day-- immense help, information, support both riding-specific and off topic.. enjoy!
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