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Everything posted by socaln8tv

  1. you'll might enjoy this little quip -- i was a six year old girl on vacation in mexico traveling with family friends. went south of the border with abuela who was from argentina. got stuck at border and wouldnt let her cross. eventually made it back from mexico but abuela was no where to be found.............until we moved passed the 2ndary border check 100miles north and granny crawls out of the trunk. apparently she came over in the 70's for a visit and never went back. of course i was too young to understand, but i remember it like yesterday.
  2. tonite i could have caged over it but i have a later commitment at martini park instead. no helmet head! imagine if it rains on top of that.
  3. luv the new avatar! funny.

  4. great information, and im learning too. Thanks for this post.
  5. i think the ones who really need it require a larger seat.
  6. socaln8tv


    great. now im dying for some chili cheese fries.
  7. stupid. and a waste of time. just so they can fill their coffers.
  8. i hear so much about this true blood show. btw, that avatar shot of the actors is pretty hot. no wonder its popular! i'll be working on a project for jpmorgan over in easton. it has not started yet.

  9. funny, i posted an inquiry last week getting some feedback on company culture, chase included. i found out a good deal of people work at chase polaris.
  10. my first winter here, it hit -17 chill factor and we couldnt leave the house for three days... yeah. thankfully ive learned its not like that a lot! in fact this last winter we didnt get dumped on much at all.
  11. hey, my off road ride is an xr 100..... how much to convert do you think? and do you know if conversion would create issues if you move out of state?
  12. i prefer supermoto over all of it! but then i have a natural affinity for the duality.. i just couldnt keep up or take that comfort on trips where id be following or riding in groups. after considering that, it kind of stole my thunder.
  13. socaln8tv

    2009 Yamaha Vmax.

    wow. thats a gorgeous bike.
  14. Born in La Jolla, Ca. Grew up/still call Corona, CA home. Lived/went to college in Eugene, OR for a while (go Ducks!). Been in Ohio over two years now, the first destination ever for me in the midwest. The cold sucks. Did I say the cold sucks? However, I'm so glad to have landed in Cbus and like it here a good deal.
  15. thanks for the kudos on the pics. i had an amazing summer with amazing people.

  16. luv the two headed duck. impressive graphic work.
  17. i would love to go!! i need some girls to go with. wait, am i too old? ....damn.
  18. Hi there. its been tough and sometimes we need a little pampering when we are down. I don't know Theresa, but tell her for me when she gets back, if she's into custom sunless tanning, send me a pm and i'll take care good care of her. - in my sincerest thoughts - kimberly
  19. hi there! welcome to the board! sounds like you love life!
  20. socaln8tv

    Dublin Ohio

    when so's relocation company coordinated realtors for honda employees up in marysville, all of them push dublin, big time. being from out of state, we were sold before we arrived. initially we were going to buy an older home off avery near excellent schools but in the end went for a new home in marysville much closer to work and pretty good schools. Dublin is very pretty. I like how the city planning keeps the maintence up. you dont have to go cross country if you need to shop. it looks clean, and well landscaped -- not dirty and old. you pay more taxes for sure. keep in mind if you end up buying outside dublin but your employer is in dublin, you could pay twice in the income tax dept... if im not mistaken ( which i can be..) -- im still new at paying income taxes at the city level based on where you live and where you work... hands down dublin is great city. if you have kids in schools, you should consider it... btw, prices range widely in dublin. based on what the realtors say, west of the river is more desirable if you are looking for dublin address.
  21. i think we have the stands for mx, but in terms of winter storage, what is the recommendation?
  22. hey just curious -- our vtr 1000 has stands and i'll have to get them for my virago. but, r stands recommended for dirtbikes/quads? this is our third winter coming and we've never done that.
  23. socaln8tv

    DGTL Girl

    i call that double fisting! you are so cute! maybe one of these days i can actually meet you!
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