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Everything posted by socaln8tv

  1. socaln8tv

    back right

    i don't want to pretty, so how bout -- beautiful bike!
  2. thank you sara for the kind offer. i guess your in/near cbus somewhere. my husband and i want to go to bike nite at hooters in hilliard one of these days. although we never understand the idea behind offering a discount on booze to bikers... yeah...thats a good one. i needs' me a ride home when im drinking!

  3. hi there. I have a 2001 honda xr100. im 5'2 and its perfect for me height wise, as in both legs touch the ground when i sit down. this bike was an american honda employee purchase the first couple years. since we've owned it, im the only person who has rode it so there's been no abuse. it was in ca prior to january 07, and since we moved here, not much riding at all bc i prefer riding in desert. at this time, i'd like to trade up for a larger street bike, otherwise would never consider selling. if you think this size bike might be a good fit for your kiddos, let me know. i'd like to get around $1000 for it.
  4. hiiii night rider.. dont know whether to sock u in the shoulder for pointing out my elderly status, or, grant you forgiveness since you're a "a fan old of ladies."...or broads, depending who you are on this site ..ha ha ha:popcorn: anyhoo, onto the feedback.. lol. it is a heavy bike. i'm only 5'2 and my toes touch the ground. yesterday was my 4th time on the vtr.. the first two times in large parking lots, getting used to the gears, then gradually picking my legs up, etc... standard, right? so friday was a huge step for me, getting on the fwy and such, 4th time on the bike. ironically i felt much safer, more comfortable on the fwy than street. probably bc im still clutching in first, and using hand break when stopped with right foot flat... as opposed to moving into nuetral and using the safer foot break when at stops. i think im using this bike to make myself more comfortable with sportsbikes since i might be turning that direction. i think i used my thighs and tummy to take pressure off my hands to avoid the tingling bc i have tendonitis... hence elderly status.. -kimberly
  5. in jest, i can totally see what you mean with the elevation thing, being i got sick like a total wuss yest "inside a vehicle." but im sure are talking about tire grip, so on an so forth. wished we would have passed you guys. to not see any bikes was surprising. i saw a pile of gravel -- like an actual pile was dropped in the middle of the opposite lane. i have no desire to ride it. --kimberly
  6. socaln8tv


    this is soo funny, i have to leave a comment!
  7. hey sara, i just booked us a weekend cabin at happy hills in june. not sure dh will let me ride his bike while we are down there (he already said no) and i have to take my suv. we can tow my bike (have the trailer). i want to ride but we have the kids, which means we wont be able to ride together. it is what it is. but i am very excited. Even if i have to go it slow alone, i should have enough confidence a month from now, and 78 is just gorgeous!!
  8. glad to hear you walked away and know what went wrong.
  9. yesterday we rode down into the hocking hills area and i wanted to check out 555. so we did. me and my middle son got sick in my suv between 78 and 330 (?) That road is fun, crazy, nuts, exciting all wrapped up into one package.... saw a few british vintage mini coopers, but no bikes?? not one. being newer to riding, i was sitting up trying to imagine riding on a bike as opposed to being in a truck bc its so dif. some gravel, one or two heavy spots yesterday. killer blind corners, some negative canver and a lot of horse droppings. alot. not for me. not right now. im smarter than that. but at least i got to see what this road was about. did get out for three hours on friday on both bikes... after riding the Honda VTR1000 for the 2nd half, i have felt sore up my back/side flanks, straight up my lower/upper abs and upper thigh muscle area. i feel like i have completely worked out. so, do you get a work out by riding? should you already be physically fit to ride? or is it both? lol.
  10. Hello Sara. I'm new to the site too, but like you, not to dirt. grew up riding offroad, desert, etc. I have just bought a very modest cruiser. will very very soon need to upgrade. as far as the madness, this is my 2nd day. alot of great people so far offering solid, safe advice. have some humor on your side? i was on maybe an hour yesterday, in the first thread i posted, the "c" word was already flying casually. it is what it is. good times.... Welcome -Kimberly
  11. caspar, are you allowed to embed facebook namebadge script into the signature edit area? can it be done?

  12. im assuming your a chick... and you should totally go black. but i dont even know your jacket color so im not getting a full picture. its about blending.... LOL. ps love the avatar. thats hot.
  13. socaln8tv

    Hocking Hills 07

    i can't wait to go on my first ride in hocking hills... most impressive place ive visited since moving here. we're gonna tow the bikes down on a camping trip couple times this summer so def. looking forward to views like this one!
  14. thanks for replying. there sure is alot of diversity in opinion on this site. i do appreciate it. or at least, try to examine each. imo, one can say that dining is mundane in some sort of way....because not every one rides, but everyone eats. and loving a hobby and doing it together goes miles... its all about spin and world view. thats how i see it. i couldnt agree more with you on people who marry and then bitch about the "SO's" afterward. I am a self-admitted bitcher' who quit all that drama. i see the light. fear is there, but like others have said in this thread, can't let it squash living life to the fullest, right all? -kimberly
  15. you're reply has been immensly helpful. im just trying to ground myself bc im finding myself completely wrapped up in this riding thing. im not a wild rider. in fact, probably, im too careful which can cause ones' undoing as well. but i do have my "foot on the break so to speak," even while today i got a taste of fwy riding on a vtr 1000.... which purrs like a kitten. you're logic and the way your express it in regards to your wife just clicked with me. i couldnt put it in words but you did for me. -- feedback i was looking for!!
  16. this could be consider a little anal, but ive actually dropped in on a class and observed the training from the parking lot. i want to be thoroughly prepared. my class isnt until end of august.
  17. exactly....thats what i meant when i referred to what most people assumes it means...
  18. DH has honda vtr 1000. its so dif. from the cruiser, which is a yamaha viagra (oops, i mean virago ) 250...very modest, very much a starter bike and was bought for such. but im already feeling the advice so many has offered... that an upgrade would occur sooner for me than later. i love that your husband feels better behind you. it actually makes a lot of sense. i didnt see where you are located but we went up 315 from cbus and it is such a lovely ride. there's still alot of cbus, let alone ohio that i have yet to see.
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