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Everything posted by Cypress

  1. Who the hell thinks up this shit???
  2. Cypress


    I call sloppy sevenths!
  3. Somebody gave me neg rep for my creepy avatar. lol

  4. That was a jaw-dropper.
  5. That's exactly how I am. If I sober up, I'm good to go. If I go to bed drunk...my world is shitty then and the next morning.
  6. Cypress


    Fixed it for ya.
  7. Cypress


    A little something to feast you're eyes upon.
  8. Cypress


    You might not wanna get too sassy with SchmuckGirl...she'll tower over you with vengence.
  9. I'm sorry if i hurt your feelings. I'd give you a hug but you won't be there.
  10. Third time. I think he's reaching out. It's a cry for help.
  11. Yeah, that f*cker went to the restroom to puke and when he came back to the bar he looked at my shot of Jose Cuervo and drank it. Then he went right back into the restroom to puke some more! Ahh...good times.
  12. What? Were you seriously staking everything on this one test? If so...maybe you should go study some more.
  13. Looks like MJ knows what she's gettin' Ross for his b-day. A birthday cake.
  14. I'll trade you straight-up.
  15. Wait...shouldn't your girlfriend be riding on the back?
  16. SQUID PURITY TEST http://www.bytebrothers.org/SquidTest.htm
  17. Wow, I just got a woody.
  18. Hey, holmes. Welcome aboard. Oh, and I love that commercial.
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