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Everything posted by Cypress

  1. 6pm-20% Cloudy 7pm-50% Rain 8pm-70% T-storm 9pm-25% Cloudy
  2. That's only because there weren't any dancing cucumbers. Happy Birthday, Carie.
  3. She's right. People can read body language very easily. Don't feel rude to jump into their conversation either, unless of coarse they're giving you negative feedback...but if not and they're talking back to you with smiles...your foot is in the door.
  4. I think my new one is pretty...PRETTY FREAKIN' COOL!

  5. I was told to change it by many people...so I did. ;)

  6. Cypress

    MMA fans

    1. Hit the red circle to get the pop-up. 2. Exit the pop-up. The red circle turns green. 3. Click the green circle to play video. 4. Enjoy the mayham.
  7. I'm in 100%. I need details.
  8. Great...my boss just caught me trying to play this stupid game. lol
  9. I'd like to get in on this but I need addresses. Mr. A, I'm in Pickerington so I'll just meet up with you in New Albany somewhere and we can ride to the gas station to meet up with 1000rrrider and go from there. PM me your numbers.
  10. Who the hell says shit like that? Sooo lol'd.
  11. ^^^ Of coarse they will be. They live on the opposite sides of the state right? This gives them both an excuse to see each other and...
  12. I'm broke and he's not sure about comin'. Looks like the weather will be good though, sooo...I'm ridin'!
  13. Yeah, the name totally threw me off for a second.

  14. Geez, it's like a third of my day.
  15. I hate #1. It's uncomfortable and always gives me splinters.
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