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Posts posted by dmagicglock

  1. Sorry, health care isn't going to illegal aliens. Oh, what was that you say? Obama is trying to get illegals documented and paying taxes and then they'll get health care! Guess what, then they aren't illegal! Then they are just as American as you and I; thats what America is 'bout! so suck it

    well the problem is, the current legislation doesn't require you to pay taxes to receive the benefits, they just require other people to pay the taxes. So say you grant amnesty to 10 million illegals... thats no guarantee that they make money or will pay in to the system and even if they do will they pay enough to support their "share" of the cost.

    California recently voted to ban state benefits to illegal immigrants and it was shot down twice by the supreme court. The details are leery but per constitutional law you can't provide healthcare to one group specifically without making it available to another group (whether here legally or illegally) so unless there is a provision in the bill that specifically states (not provided to illegals) [which would be unconstitutional] then you can assume that illegal aliens will have access to medical care, whether they're made citizens or not, and whether they pay taxes or not.

  2. We went there to be 'liberators' and promote democracy - but then allowed them to be be "socialists" with their health care plans? :wtf:

    We helped them write that document... under Bush, so now I'm confused?

    You'll have to explain the "if it's good enough for iraq" comment too, because the way I see it, even though they subscribe to a different religion - they're still people with the similar health care needs as most of the people here. You kinda sound like King of the Hill...

    "If it's good enough for humans in France, it's probably good enough for dogs in America." ~Hank Hill

    I meant that as sarcasm...

    And here's your "Iraqi public healthcare"


    looks like they face a 1.6 BILLION dollar financial gap

    I'm pretty sure given their infrastructure or lack there of... the medical needs of iraqis are different than that of the U.S.

    Let our experiment in Iraq serve as a model of why we shouldn't try universal healthcare here :D

  3. It's always a lie if you don't want to hear it! LOL

    you honestly believe you can provide better healthcare than what I receive now, and healthcare for 30 million more people, none of which will be provided to illegal immigrants somehow, all by not raising the deficit 1 dime or increasing my taxes 1 dime? (a campaign promise of his)

    If you answer yes to any of those questions, the only benefit universal healthcare will provide... is a much needed psychological evaluation for you.

  4. okay another thread on Obama and healthcare :eek:

    Did anyone else watch this speech? it was only on like every channel...

    I felt like it was more empty rhetoric and nothing informative or of substance. He made a lot of claims about how great its going to be but didn't explain how it would work in any great detail, or what provisions in the bill would back the claim up. I like how he did say "when I sign this bill". He's already passed this bill in his mind.

    He did mention it would be mandatory for every american to have insurance :confused:

    He did mention the insurance exchange thing again (but he needed to go into more detail), and I don't see how this system would be profitable without lots of government subsidizing. If it was feasible it sounds like a great idea on paper. Justin, I'll give you the lead on this one and finding out who it could work effectively without going belly up.

    And he seemed delusional about not signing a plan that would add 1 dime to our deficit? Congress just asked to increase the federal deficit to 13T because his budget is so high? Call me crazy but I know if this healthcare plan is passed the budget deficit will go up and the only way to prevent that is to tax the hell out of the American people.

    anyways, let the comments roll in :popcorn:

  5. I have a Pacifica... about as minivan-ish as it gets

    my wife has an all wheel drive pacifica... its a fuggin' tank in the snow. When we got like 2 feet of snow two years ago I was like one of 5 people on the road around here, just plowing through snow banks, loved it

  6. That was actually the 3rd time i went out with her. Everything is going great with her, she's now my gf lol. Sorry bro. :D

    Not a problem. Thought i would share....a disgusting laugh with my buddies from OR. :cheers:

    haha thats hilarious! glad things worked out, I saw her pics under the random pics (posted by jrm) and I was like hmmm I wonder what became of that...

  7. Uh, the 06 R6 is now two generations old. There was an update to midrange and performance after the 07 model and then for 2010, there's an even better improvement.

    Thing is, these bikes are really good and making them better is more in smaller changes than big ones. The revamped fly by wire, etc is going to improve things and with the revisions to the mapping and throttle control and such, the bike will perform better.

    The 06 was a great bike and did a great job, but lacked any mid range. Maybe you were referring to the sport R6?

    i know they technically changed it in 08, but unless you own one you can't tell. I think the only changes were some small ones such as a magnesium alloy subframe and remapping the ecu, oh and I think the mirrors mount outside the windshield now.

    2006 r6


    2009 r6


  8. I wish I could just print more money and raise my debt to income ratio without defaulting on anything. Everyone is saying "ohh we're coming out of the recession!" I think we've just temporarily inflated the market (printing money, bailouts, stimulus, etc...) and this is the calm before the storm. I'm afraid the worst is yet to come... This is definitely some writing on the wall.

  9. ZOMG the sky is falling... okay I figured I'd mention it before anyone else did.

    Seriously tho'... this disturbs me and spells nothing but bad things for our future economic policies.


    I read that, then I see this story... and we wonder why other countries want different currencies and the IMF other than the dollar.


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