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Posts posted by dmagicglock

  1. I can also add from my accident this summer a new trick that they pull. Reguardless of what the police say (other driver was sited) the offenders insurance company can declare that their client was only 50%, 75% 90% at fault and therefore only refund you that percent of your deductible. You can imagine how pissed I was to get a check for $375 out of a $500 deductible because they decided I was 25% at fault! Yes, I am fighting it since I wasn't the one who pulled across 3 lanes of traffic.

    I had that happen to me a few years ago. A chick ran a stop sign (I didn't have a stop sign on my road way) and pulled in front of me, I even honked and slammed on my brakes. They determined I was 20% at fault because of "comparative negligence" I looked up some good information on it, and complained to a supervisor and threatened to take them to arbitration where they would spend more money in legal representation than if they just paid me out the 100%. They then paid the 100% and gave me a few days for loss of use on my vehicle. Btw, comparative negligence is only legally binding if they take you to arbitration and its found in their favor, the insurance company can assign whatever they want, but unless you agree to it, its not binding.

  2. Mr. A, you seem like a very nice guy, but don't be a push-over for this insurance company. They will try and bend you over any chance they get. They're being nice right now to try and head off any personal injury suit you may be considering. Under no circumstances should you sign off on anything with them just yet. If they don't fully payoff your stang (if its totaled), just remember head and neck injuries pay well...... you can come out ahead.

    True story, they probably cut you a check super quick so you would cash it and relieve them of any future liability for future damages or pain caused from this accident. $800 might seem like a lot, but I'd wait and see what kind of money they give you for your mustang before you cash that check or before you sign a legal waiver for them. As silly as it may sound, that "injury" can prove to be financial leverage if they try and lowball you on the cost to fix/total out your mustang.

    They are insurance "adjusters" its their job to pay you as little as legally possible for damages, just keep that in mind. They actually make bonuses on keeping their claim payouts low.

  3. nah I'm not prior leo, just an armed citizen. My father in law is a retired sheriff and has taught me a lot, so this should build on that pretty well. I'm going to a RACS seminar in michigan in October. I'd love to do levels 3,4,5 but I'm not sure how soon I'll be able to get away for that because I'm already going to be gone a couple weekends for these other courses and the wifey will be stuck at home with the 6 mos. old bambina :( If I go in the spring or sometime next year and you haven't gone yet I will let you know for sure

  4. Ok, now that we've had the good news...

    Neo wanted to get rid of that car and get a new 600 anyways!

    so funny you said that, as I was reading I kept thinking "looks like he's going to get that 600 sooner than he thought"

    Glad to hear you're okay man, hope everything works out with the insurance.

  5. Thanks, I had seen TDI on the web recently when searching, seems like they might be the only live fire house near me... but I also have no idea, just going off teh googelz. Handgun 3 looks like a good class (4 and 5 look good too but I'm not qualified for those, hell depending on a lot I may not be qualified for 3)

    I'm going to TDI this weekend for levels 1 and 2, i'll let you know how it goes :)

  6. Oh no no, I meant I wanted to DO this. The guy who does these charges $60 to do this as GunKote... his work looks awesome... man that blue just looks so freaking sharp... I was actually thinking blue or red. I gotta photoshop the red, has the potential to look really awesome or really bad.

    haha maybe like blood red? it would send a message to whoever you pulled it on...

  7. Do you have renters insurance? If not look into it. Man it is so cheap. I used to have it when i rented. It was like 20 bucks a month at most and would cover stuff like that. I have to pitch some stuff out of my basment that got wet also. But its not worth claiming on insurance.

    I was thinking the exact same thing when I was reading this. I think I paid like 135 a year for renters insurance a few years ago, It can't be that much more now? Anyways, if you're really worried about your bike, just change the oil. Whats the cost of that versus you starting the bike up and water locking it? Goodluck either way!

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