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Everything posted by dmagicglock

  1. you know what a better response could've been? Actually looking up the legislation yourself. I did, and I checked some of the lines from the OP and what do you know... they're correct. Here take a look for yourself, all 1018 pages. http://docs.house.gov/edlabor/AAHCA-BillText-071409.pdf
  2. I don't mean to get in the middle of your skirmish but fwiw I thought it was priced pretty high too.. But hey don't let it get to ya, look at the comments as "free bumps".
  3. haha love it, at first I was like... ANOTHER insurance thread... is it necessary? THEN i read it and said... this deserves its own thread
  4. I know I love their great use of word play, just like the "card check" or "employee free choice act"
  5. http://www.reuters.com/article/bondsNews/idUSN0146551720090801 I hope our crazy libs don't read this and get any ideas. With all the fairness doctrine talk around lately, I can see some of our politicians in washington thinking this would be a good idea too.
  6. I'm not sure about the airfare but I bet the hotel prices are cheap haha
  7. Do these people have this coming? I read stories like this, (like lisa lings sister in N.K.) and I think... WTF are they doing there in the first place? Why would they go to Iraq as a "tourist" and why would they hike in mountains on the Iran border. If I'm going to Iraq its with the military and an M4 in my hand. Now they've just become bargaining chips for foreign policy for Ahmadenijad. I don't wish death or being "locked up abroad" upon anyone, but its hard to feel sympathy for people that put themselves in these kinds of RIDICULOUS situations. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,535944,00.html?test=latestnews
  8. taurus just came out with some new concealed carry guns for 09 if you check their website. I fired one of these a couple weeks ago, and for a small 9 mm it was pretty accurate from about 30 feet out, was able to group shots pretty well. It also has a really short reset on the trigger. Anyways, here's a picture. Its called the slim 709.
  9. I thought that rhetoric died down after Microsoft said, you do that and we'll take more jobs over seas and you can kiss our butts goodbye. But I see your point! http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=aAKluP7yIwJY
  10. what if the majority of the cars went to rich bastards who traded in their gas guzzling SUV's LOL. I'm not sure what the gvt is thinking by pushing more fuel efficient vehicles, because essentially they're going to lose tax revenue from fuel consumption and have to increase the taxes on fuel thus raising the price of gas and making the whole thing a wash for the consumer. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for reducing carbon footprint, getting off foreign oil... but I'm not sure if this is the right sol'n.
  11. ... well if you need quick money http://dayton.craigslist.org/adg/1298226804.html jk! I really feel for you, people messing with my money is one of my biggest pet peeves. Goodluck!! okay a more useful link: http://www.com.ohio.gov/laws/default.aspx
  12. at least its friday? do you guys go through a payroll provider like ADP? Usually they can fix that stuff and overnight checks (as long as your boss has the money in the acct they withdraw from )
  13. ^ thats a lot of calls, I don't gots Metro PCS or Cricket. But I'll have to remember that... just like when I see someone being a stupid f'ing asshole on the highway I call 1800 GRAB DUI.
  14. what history class did you take? I think it was government intervention that prolonged the great depression. The depressions of 1907 and 1920 were over within a year because there was NO government intervention and they let the markets play out.
  15. you sound like my wife when she saw that video... must be a woman thing
  16. I sometimes have to drive through there for my job... If I had a dollar for every time I saw a poor dog chained up in the same spot it was a week ago with no food or water... I'd have enough money to pay for universal healthcare. Some of them make michael vick look like this guy:
  17. you can be professor gates and I can pretend to be sgt. crowley and we can agree to disagree because this is all thats going on...
  18. this happened in the ghetto of dayton, I'm thinking it was some wanna be gangsta using it for target practice and not self defense.
  19. looks like someone stole my idea.... here's the DIVORCE DANCE booyah http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbr2ao86ww0
  20. okay so this might be a terrible thread... but here it goes It's not funny that a dog was shot multiple times and killed... what IS funny, is that due to some sort of laws, the police couldn't remove the dead dog carcass from the lady's lawn for several days and so they just let it lay in their yard and finally covered it with a blanket while they're kids played nearby. Secondly, the one lady they interview has the sickest white sunglasses ever... I watched the news video and couldn't stop laughing why wouldn't you just put the thing in a trashbag and drop it off in a dumpster somewhere or bury it yourself? I'd be damned if I'd let a rotting dog carcass chill in my front yard for a few days. Anyways, the link! http://www.whiotv.com/news/20225085/detail.html
  21. if it makes you feel better, I once had a guy whose ebay acct said he was in california ship me a full faced generic harley davidson helmet instead of the black icon helmet i ordered. He then closed his account (which was weird cause he has like 100 positive feedback and had been a member for a year) and paypal wouldn't give me the money back until I shipped it back to him, and he was in China!!! and the cheapest it would be to send it back was like 40 bucks! I ended up selling it locally to get my money back, but I still got the guys address and want to send him a bag of shit. I suggest you do the same, completely anonymous! http://www.shitsenders.com/
  22. it does make me wonder! ... what's on there, he said he was a social dissident when he was at harvard (whatever that means!?) I mean he did admit to cocaine use, maybe he smacked up some bitches a few times and had a domestic violence charge on his rap sheet. lol
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