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Everything posted by dmagicglock

  1. this means nothing because the WHO rankings include things like accidental deaths and homicides, which are irrelevant to quality of healthcare IMHO.
  2. dude that chick had a pontiac, which means she was driving excitement! I'm not saying she was going anything like that saturn vue, which is more top heavy and prone to roll overs, I just meant if she's in motion and her car is turning a certain direction (assuming she didn't proceed straight through the stop sign, which it doesn't say in the article) I think it would be plausible to flip the vehicle without doing triple digies... Anyways, this would make one helluva myth busters episode.
  3. thought this was a funny article http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/07/30/ga-officers-accused-running-background-checks-obama/?test=latestnews funny how what goes around comes around... If I remember right, didn't "joe the plumber" get quite a few inquiries into his background when he spoke out against Obama... That being said, I think you'd have to be dumber than a box of rocks to do a background check on Obama and not think it would get flagged by someone.
  4. ... she was moving from what I gather, from the article "The patrol reported Cushing was southbound on Brocklesby Road and stopped for a stop sign. She then proceeded and the westbound motorcycle hit the driver's side door."
  5. maybe your man spackling tasted terrible and caused her to vomit, here's some 10 tips for a better diet, that way your sweet man juice will taste better next time and she'll ask for seconds without having to regurgitate it! http://ezinearticles.com/?Sperm-Taste---10-Simple-Tips-For-Better-Tasting-Semen&id=164106
  6. I heard she promised their families free visa's to the US where they'd receive free universal healthcare! - true story
  7. i know he spent 20 years in his church but he never made any racist comments when obama was attending, nor did it ever rub off on barry, you know better!
  8. i heard about this on the radio today... ah what a great find! Who's the racist now mr. gates!?!?! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRlIdFcWd5k&feature=related
  9. looks like a vote is going to be pushed back till at least October. This makes me happy because it gives the public another couple months to find out how big of a fraud this proposed legislation is... and then hopefully it won't pass. http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=CNG.830beb0d4e1b839b7394c48af39ed809.291&show_article=1
  10. i'm offended as a jim rome fan and as a catholic lol
  11. i haven't heard any comments about this being the result of the far left wing environmentalists trying to push their agenda? anyone? anyone? On another note, it does suck because its not really "free" money its coming from the taxpayer and the only way to benefit from it is to participate otherwise someone else is enjoying your tax dollars more than you. So if you qualify you can either say no in principal and lose money or agree and come out ahead. I know that you can use this towards the purchase of foreign vehicles, but I also kind of think this is a way to help "stimulate" the US car market to make sure that the bailout/bankruptcy of GM/Chrysler doesn't continue to fail. Just my conspiracy theory tho'...
  12. ^^ well i hope everyone else votes as intelligently in the interim elections
  13. that is a funny clip, lol rome had it coming but thats what makes his show funny, pushing the line with people. btw jim everett is a big f'ing QB
  14. yeah i heard about that, people that buy used cars and fix them up to resell them were pissed! Now they can't make their living as easy and cheaper cars arent as easily available. But hey get use to it, its all a part of big government intervening in free market economics.
  15. Anyone else listen to Jim Rome!? I really started listening to his radio show a couple weeks ago when I had enough of political talk radio. I've seen him on and off t.v. for years and he wasn't bad, but on the radio I think he kind of lets loose. This show is hilarious, i know its on 980 AM in dayton for those of you around here, I'd check it out 12-3. Went to youtube to check out some CLASSIC Rome and found this one, which is hilarious. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xib9-i6avGQ
  16. my dad had an 05 heritage softail classic and you would've thought the motor was going to vibrate off the frame, same thing with his 08 flhx. Not sure if you consider hand numbing after 10 minutes of riding "smooth". I've ridden harleys and they're more comfortable of a riding experience than say a sport bike, but i'm riding for fun not comfort. To each their own.
  17. i'm not sure if it was that range, but a mom did shoot her son in the back of the head at a range then killed herself not too long ago, don't say i didn't warn ya! edit* nevermind, found it http://www.cfnews13.com/News/Local/2009/4/6/mom_kills_son_self_at_gun_range.html it was in florida
  18. You know the economy is bad when people rent guns to kill themselves... anyhow, anyone go to Target World in sharonville? saw this on foxnews.... http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,534996,00.html?test=latestnews I don't know if its bad for business or good for business, you get new customers you wouldn't normally have, but you're not getting repeat business
  19. from wiki "The Party believed that Social Welfare was the business of the State. Before the Nazi movement, the churches administered charity. The government enforced a collection of a 10% tithe which was paid directly to the churches. This charitable bureaucracy was shifted to the State." looks like we're both wrong or both right? as it also says "The Nazi Party is generally described as being at the extreme or far right of the left-right political axis.[6] While the party incorporated elements from both left and right-wing politics, the Nazis formed most of their alliances on the right.[6]"
  20. so you're saying the nazi's didn't have control over any means of public production?
  21. wasn't hitler head of the nazi party and nazi is A member of the National Socialist German Workers Party? I see the diagram and it shows facism to the right, but they were just as much socialists too... which is to the left near communism
  22. yea quote a liberal blog, very credible, maybe you could quote the huffington post, or the new york times or msnbc while you're at it. Read the book, if you disagree with it, then post something about the substance of the book.
  23. reminds me of a parable i heard in church growing up. A guy is in his house and there's a big flood coming and the police come to warn him and tell him to leave with them in their cruiser and they'll take him to safety. He replies, "no officer, God will save me if I'm in danger, I'm staying right here." Well the floods come and he has to go to his second story of his house so he doesn't drown. The police come again, this time in a boat and say sir, its only going to get worse, you need to come with us in the boat and we'll take you to safety. The man says, "no way, I'm staying put, God will save me if I'm in danger." Well the rains continue and the flood only gets higher and eventually the man has to stand on his roof so he doesn't drown. This time the coast guard comes in a helicopter and says to the me, take the rope, we'll pull you in and take you to safety. The man once again replies, "nope, I'm staying put, God will save me if I'm in danger." Well the rain continued and the flooding got worse and eventually the man drowned. He died and when he went to heaven and met God he said, "Lord, why did I die, I had such faith in you that if I was going to be in danger that you would save me." To which God replied, ah yes my child I tried to save you three times, once by car, once by boat and once by helicopter.
  24. i wonder what the dance moves will look like at their divorce?
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