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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. lol, national convention = win
  2. You use a retention holster in IDPA? I'd say the original holster you posted looks good, but I don't OC enough to warrant a retention holster like that.
  3. I add just about everyone, but I have my default privacy settings setup so certain people can't see any of my wall or status updates. And yes, I've flat out ignored folks that sent me requests for stupid shit all the time... but noone has said anything at work about how I didn't accept their Farmville request.
  4. roflmao, I get 100 miles between fill ups
  5. I'm gonna go poke everyone on my facebook account now.
  6. Understandable. I mean, I trust a manufacturer like Toyota is big enough to work with the NHTSB to provide safe vehicles that stop. Or that Firestone works with Ford to make tires that don't explode. Or that ... well you get the idea. Everything is perception and risk. You put a certain trust in Sigma & Canon, I'm willing to risk it.
  7. On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate how secure the GPS to the MOUNT is (NOT Mount to Bike) 1 being rubber band 10 being welded to your bike
  8. That's something that really does need to be researched before you buy one. Any of the older cheapo's are likely to damage.... but the YN-465 is made for digital cameras. I tested with a multimeter as well, never puts out dangerous voltage, highest I saw was 4-5
  9. too soon? That's lamer than FDR's legs.
  10. Is it too soon to say "die happy, watch NHRA"
  11. Yah for sure, I got a YN-465, it's manual and e-ttl compatible. I've also run it as a slave with a cheapo china filter and it fires every time. 60$ I'd recommend it for sure if you're not looking for a super awesome professional flash (not saying the 430 is one). There's lots of pictures of it on the interwebs, or I can take some pictures of it if you need.
  12. No, please don't lol, it's depressing http://www.bannedinhollywood.com/50-celebrities-then-and-now/ or http://www.ebaumsworld.com/pictures/view/254718/
  13. I was looking for a 430 as well, but I settled on a cheapo knockoff from China... works very well actually. But let me know if you find a good deal!
  14. Not concealed, not in the national parks, and not legally.
  15. I know. They were interviewing people for a news story... I still can't believe how dumb people really are. Or the kind of spin they put on the story "Could that person next to you on the trails be carrying more than just water?!? Find out more at 11"
  16. Oh come on, Weird Science was the 80s!
  17. It's my pleasure, I just hope the Brady Campaign nuts will remember their yelling and screaming in 3,6,9,12,10000 months from now when the blood ISN'T running through the streets and all the endangered animals AREN'T being killed by people with CCW.
  18. I forgot to post this yesterday, but legal CC is now permitted in the national parks in Ohio (namely CVNP). Carry often and carry safely
  19. http://www.webbikeworld.com/r2/motorcycle-helmet/scorpion/exo-400/
  20. Holy shit that video is accurate on all accounts.
  21. The thrower you mean? They use a broom for stability, although they sometimes use a stability stick instead.
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