oh... I missed that part I'll admit, if I never had to do another insurance quote I'd die happy... but that being said, I know I'll do 10-30 tomorrow. It's also a little depressing when you know a bit of what goes into insurance, including how likely injusries, damage, death etc etc will occur
Anyone got a Kawi hookup for parts? Part number is 23005-1149 , it's just the bucket for the light... I have a bubble in the chrome for my headlight and it's driving my crazy. Best price I'm seeing is ~$90 but hopefully someone can give me a dealer hookup
lol, my mom had a Land Rover and she ran into the garage. She claims she pressed on the brake and the car accelerated... I maintain that it is highly improbable that the vehicle acted in such a manner... and that she is a woman... she smacked me... my dad laughed. (I was 17 at the time) That was fun
uh oh, you posted how a manual thumb safety and DA/SA firearm is safer... prepare for the flames But regardless, congrats on your new piece, and +1 to CCW. Carry often, carry safe.