Don't be shocked by any feedback like that.... gun shops opinions are like assholes... everyone has one and they all stink ... or something like that. Ask the guy about a Glock "That's a tupperware gun, do you want a piece of plastic in your hand" ask another about a SW "That's too heavy, you should consider a Glock".... gun shops seem to be the WORST place to get opinions. The size of the gun comment, just a consideration for you, by no means was I saying you shouldn't buy the gun. YES you can absolutely carry this gun concealed, YES there are people here that carry guns that size and bigger (full size 1911s) concealed and will swear by them. Here's a XDSC side by side with a SW MP, which I believe is a similar size to the Sigma Not a HUGE difference but just for comparison. You'll be able to sell the Sigma if you want to upgrade/trade.... so don't worry too much, $250 isn't the end of the world, get it and sleep safe.