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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. Remember the rules of ORDN... but also abide by this rule for the thread "if you won't say it to the person, don't say it here". There's noone on this forum I "hate" so keep that in mind... I'm a softie. It's been too much drama and not enough good ol' fashioned flaming... I'll start: Fucking Todd#43, I like you, I really do so take this with a grain of salt. Your fucking extremist paranoia is getting funny. Every thread I see that has ANY hint of ANYTHING that could be considered liberal I think "Man, I wonder what Todd is going to say". You're getting to the level of "tin foil hat wearing Mel Gibson" ... and that's a level I reserve for very few people. Fonzie, you're the new sheriff in town, we get it. But I still love you. Jcoz, seriously, just lay low for a while, you're ASKING to be trolled in everything you post, so don't be surprised when you get trolled.
  2. Remember the rules of ORDN... but also abide by this rule for the thread "if you won't say it to the person, don't say it here". There's noone on this forum I "hate" so keep that in mind... I'm a softie. It's been too much drama and not enough good ol' fashioned flaming... I'll start: Fucking Todd#43, I like you, I really do so take this with a grain of salt. Your fucking extremist paranoia is getting funny. Every thread I see that has ANY hint of ANYTHING that could be considered liberal I think "Man, I wonder what Todd is going to say". You're getting to the level of "tin foil hat wearing Mel Gibson" ... and that's a level I reserve for very few people. Fonzie, you're the new sheriff in town, we get it. But I still love you. Jcoz, seriously, just lay low for a while, you're ASKING to be trolled in everything you post, so don't be surprised when you get trolled.
  3. Ahhhh, Todd, he can derail any thread!
  4. Man, this is a fun game... I'm dying to see what it is... Here's why I don't think it's something modern and expensive... one day ~1955 my grandfather came home having purchased a considerable (1-5k$) amount of stock and she made him sell it.... her reasoning? "Noone will ever buy 5 cent hamburgers!" ... apparantly my grandfather had bought stock in McDonalds when it initially went public and she made him sell it. *sigh*... if only
  5. the more I think of where this handgun has been the more I doubt it's a 22.... he ran a 24/7 liquor drive though and a carpet company.... their warehouse was right next to a known meth house.
  6. I wish I was still on this vacation... Let's just say, we have enough cat stew for a year!
  7. I should have been clearer... it's a handgun, revolver..... sorry shoulda included those details.
  8. Oh, I should be picking it up this next weekend, we had a death in the family this weekend so that halted all plans.
  9. Here's what I know.... there's a handgun at my grandma's house (she said revolver) that she has said I could have. It belonged to my grandpa so it has sentimental value to me.... that's all I know... I just want to take bets on what is the gun going to be? The closer more specific the more points you get... winner gets a beer. The only details I know... he had it a while, since running the grocery store... so it could be anything from a derringer to a sw500... knowing my grandpa it could either be the best or the cheapest, he didn't do middleground that much. I'm guessing .22 cowboy action with wood grips So guess away, nothing to lose, a beer to gain (and maybe some Springfield Arms swag)
  10. I'm so confused... Anyway, lots of snow already tonight, might be worth hitting the slopes this coming week, last time I went skiing was probably 7 years ago at some shitty resort near cbus... can't remember the name
  11. I try to carry a small knife whenever I have to disarm... but I forget my knife at home all the time... I should go put one of my knives in the car...
  12. Well technically speaking wouldn't the draw from the lights lower the running voltage which would make it take longer to charge the battery? Thus reducing the lifespan of the battery and killing our children with lead?
  13. same as texting while driving, but stop trying to bring sanity into here...
  14. That's not part of the normal routine.
  15. I drive with my knees, headlights off, brakelights disconnected, txting, eating and adjusting the stereo.... so?
  16. I had figured he was just referring to LEO energy to pull people over for violating the rules.
  17. Yes I took this picture purely for the joke
  18. It's kind of neat when you go somewhere and things are completely different from what you've come to know. There were quite a few stray dogs too, but nothing like the cats. We even saw a few "stray" donkies, that was really funny.
  19. We learned quickly (and much to my pleasure) cats are the "squirrels" of Israel... everywhere you looked there were stray cats. Some citizens love them, some hate them. I, of course, love them, early on I made it my mission to photograph all the cats I could and a few of the folks on the trip called it the "pussies of Israel" mission... I missed a couple but this was the majority, there's only 1 duplicate below, but other than that they are all individual kitties. If you want any back story or more information about a picture just let me know. And now for something completely different
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