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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. Signal strength isn't an issue, and I'm running a G network... so maybe I'm making a mountain out of a mole hill. I recall hard wired as being ZOMG AMAZING but my only real issue is the occasional dropped signal, but that could be expected I guess. Re-wiring is what I'm thinking, at minimum I'd like to fish 2-3 cat5 cables from the attic to the basement, putting the wire down from the attic into the 2 bedrooms is no biggie, that can be done easily.
  2. Not like all the black folks are just SCREAMING they're black by having their skin be a different color. Those jews should put some sort of identifier on their clothes so people know... just for clarity. Christians wear crosses so no biggie there. Muslims should also need to identify themselves if they don't wear a hjiab. Kind of like engineers right? Hey, those who can do, those who can't mutter something about ohms and then sulk off to the corner to be anti-social
  3. I found this review http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9127759/Review_5_power_line_devices_that_take_you_online_where_Ethernet_or_Wi_Fi_can_t_ The measurement in the table is time in minutes, seems like a bust... would be great if I wasn't getting wifi upstairs... I should take my laptop downstairs and do a speed test before I go running wires... maybe I'm getting the best performance I could expect.
  4. Ask KK, I have no idea what it takes
  5. I was looking at those solutions, do you have any experience with them? Seemed kind of "too good to be true" No, just holes
  6. Or just a quick Search for Interpol
  7. lol, I didn't even make that connection. I got the Lickwad though.
  8. I am using wireless right now, but it's unstable at times and I'd like my office to be hard wired/wireless combo. I'll still be using wireless for laptops and gaming consoles, just want wired for my PC and work laptop. Are you missing the big things or just things like RJ connectors and jazz?
  9. FYI, I do have a spot in the attic that I believe can be fished down to the basement. It's a Ryan Homes so I'm pretty sure they keep the wiring easy but someone more experienced would know for sure.
  10. Jesus KK is more of a post whore than me! http://www.ohio-riders.com/misc.php?do=cybtpimx I'm talkative... but man KK wins the cake
  11. I was going to buy a wall fish and cabling and wallplates when I realized this shit is expensive if you're only going to do your own home. I know some folks here have good experience with home wiring so I'm looking for someone to help me out. I'm in NEO so I think that knocks out moose (I know you do home wiring and such) I can either hire you to do it yourself or you can rent me your equipment and sell me the materials. Or anywhere in between those 2 extremes, please let me know Thanks
  12. Yes to international only... slowly they strip away everything possible you can do on a flight... they already keep you hostage at the terminal/gate for up to 8 hours when they can't take off... I already find flying unbearable, so I don't do it... this is just more straw on the camel's back.
  13. Once again the TSA is overreacting to an isolated incident and treating everyone like criminals. http://gizmodo.com/5434592/the-new-terrifying-no+electronics-us-flight-security-rules All in the name of public safety right? No thanks, I'll pass on flying internationally for now.
  14. lol, you better just create 1 thread now that says "Uncle Punk's Response" and just constantly edit it with all your responses. No time limit on edits
  15. Here's a few handguns for sale on OFCC (have to register to see them) $450 http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q228/EOdesmo/miscpics020.jpg $510 http://s3.postimage.org/26Kr3i-d4b74b855e6a6f42e1277da28ab3207b-resize.jpg $325 http://i574.photobucket.com/albums/ss189/cltcougar/sigma9.jpg
  16. No matter what you need a shotgun for home defense. The "if I want to carry" is a secondary and if that becomes the case then you'll want to go out and get a GOOD carry sidearm. If money is an issue I'd suggest shotgun first. If you're thinking of the future go and get a GOOD carry sidearm now.
  17. Enough of you! Seriously, noone else has some shit to talk?
  18. You know, I should have just said it... for home protection, go to the sporting goods store and get a shotgun... that's it.
  19. Man that sucks.... here's a couple http://www.budsgunshop.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=411538104 or http://www.budsgunshop.com/catalog/product_info.php/products_id/13236
  20. No, the other thread was more about the perception of over moderation. It answered the questions though... "too much drama" I figured a good ol' fashioned flame thread might help people "air their grievances" a little late for Festivus though.
  21. Hey, not too many posts ago someone was arguing DRL are not headlights...
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