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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. Why would I, a staunch supporter of animal rights, vote "No" to this? This ammendment does NOT create standards for animal care, it creates the ability for a board of 13 Ohio citizens to CREATE standards if they so see fit... in other words... this is only as good as the 13 members of the board.And in fact, if this board decides that animals with e-coli should be sold because it means Ohio farmers can stay in business... they can.
  2. Posting Caturday on a Monday should be a capitol offense.
  3. Aren't party plates completely optional in Ohio?
  4. It occurs to me that people are SO retarded... for every person like Ben that is skeptical there are 10 people that will instantly shell out money. What kills me is that it's also illegal "educate" people, like call with this same scam and when someone says "OMG LET ME GRAB MY CC" you say "Ok no, listen this was a scam, how do you know I'm from the jail? Please don't fall for this crap".....Because any scammer could say they were just trying to "educate" people.
  5. Wow, that's actually pretty clever... good ol' fashioned social engineering. I'd be interested how they deal with "I don't have a brother" or "my brother is sitting here next to me".....
  6. Yah true dat. If you've heard of a lawyer they're not worth hiring. Unless a friend recommended.
  7. A nice over the hill 27 :)

  8. you're a brave man... I took the wife around our neighborhood as a birthday ride (and quite possibly the last ride until 1/1) Less than a mile and my eyes hurt so much I could barely see.
  9. I love how anti 2A people will argue these DEFENSIVE shootings will go away with stricter "gun control" laws. Props to the victim here.
  10. Thanks all Jewish birthdays are extra awesome because you get gefilte fish and latkes
  11. thank you thank you... daylight savings gave me an extra hour... awesomeness!!
  12. There are a LOT of articles written about roadside sobriety tests, in Ohio you shouldn't agree to it if you're drunk. Refusal to field sobriety is a guaranteed suspension of 1 year but the potential for no dui. You must take the sobriety test at the station... so best case on refusal is a suspension... worst case is dui. I'm not a lawyer.
  13. agreed on both parts... maybe I'm not paying attention, but what the fuck has this congressional session done other than changing the truck speed limit?
  14. Thanks chevy! This is just common sense legislature... something we seem to lack.
  15. On my phone otherwise I'd link the bill. HB203 will allow citizens with their conceal carry license be in a restaurant that serves alcohol so long as they don't drink. Right now walking into an Applebee's while carrying is a felony.
  16. First hearing is scheduled... only sponsors of the bill willl be speaking but OFCC is looking for supports just for the showing. It's cool the bill will be heard but I still doubt we'll see it passed this congressional session. Full details here: http://www.ohioccw.org/200910314667/hb-203-bill-to-remove-ban-on-self-defense-scheduled-for-hearing.html
  17. lol, not much a lawyer is going to be able to do, especially if he submitted to the test roadside.
  18. If I wasn't armed I'd walk away and call 911.
  20. :-D Mine's still bigger!
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