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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. Wouldn't trust my bike with anyone else.
  2. in other news, I want to gear up to be ready... anyone have some forks for sale, must fit a gsxr 750
  3. I've been inspired by the 750 thread but I think I need a gearing change before I can wheelie the Vulcan. K so how do I wheelie? inb4:drop 100 pounds
  4. But nonetheless, thoughts and prayers with the families of the victims. My political opinion has nothing to do with a family that has to mourn a loss.
  5. I don't recall saying I thought carrying on base should be compulsory... simply pointing out that noone should be shocked when a "Do Not Carry" zone becomes a target. Places where people KNOW noone will have a weapon to defend themselves are easy targets, how is an army base any different than VTech?
  6. Remember in a lot of states there is little or NO training required to get a CCW... in Ohio military training is all you need, AND you can be less than 21 if you were in the military.
  7. How is it fucked up? This kind of shit happens all the time, maybe not with lottery tickets but employees steal more than anyone else... I agree though, crazy the owner doesn't keep good enough books.
  8. It's not a draft, and no matter what you say about "having" to join, noone is FORCED to join the army. I understand what you're saying, but the problem isn't to make it HARD to commit suicide, it's to figure out what the problem is and try to prevent/solve it. The cure for depression is not ignoring it and hoping it goes away. I can understand about not making it EASIER but let's face it... someone who is determined to kill themselves is going to do it... putting a gun in their hand doesn't make them more likely to kill themselves.
  9. Yeah, theft and suicide are much worse than mass murder...Those are 2 things that reveal an underlying problem. Yah, maybe, but it's all conjecture at this point... we don't even know if it was someone that was in combat... maybe it was a guy mad he wasn't sent to fight?
  10. You are correct, BUT look back at that bar shooting... something like >20 shots fired and noone hit? If 25 people fired upon this shooter, and 1 bullet went stray and hit a bystander then we're looking at 2 people dead.... and 1 person responsible for manslaughter 25 people are fired upon with no defense? 25 people dead... and 1 criminal still running free.
  11. That's crazy, isn't any attack like this SOME form of terrorism? What else is it? He just went crazy and hated his "co-workers"?
  12. My buddy's wedding last month, he's airforce. All together 2 airforce and 1 army enlisted. Here's the conversation Me: What sidearm do you guys carry? All: Beretta, I think all DOD armed forces carry the Beretta Jim: I'm trained in rifle but I don't carry it. Me: Wait, you guys don't carry on base? All: HELL NO Me: Why not? Jim: We're not allowed, only MPs and essential security folks can carry firearms... it's a safe place really no need. I'm still shocked about this... you're trusted to die for your country, to shoot in combat situations... but you can't be trusted to walk around with a firearm at your side... Get real folks.
  13. Pfew, man this could have been worse... good things military bases don't allow firearms. Oh wait...
  14. No way man, JRM scares me, he's a beast! Plus I know I can't run cuz he'll catch me before I can get up to speed
  15. lol yes please I wasn't serious though, sorry if people thought JRM was actually going to beat my ass.....
  16. Yah, I'd much rather spend $500 than $95
  17. Target Demo Here's the thing... we're talking about EXTREMELY targeted marketing here. The demographics from this forum are predominantly 18-25 males with a high % of sport bikes. So the key here is, what is your target demo? and if you say "everyone" you need to rethink your marketing plan. Title You're also talking about how you can increase the effectiveness of your forum threads. The best way to increase thread "views" is by subject modification. Studies show email subject influences open rates far more than anything else (duh) and since we can't see the content without first reading the subject it stands to reason your thread title is what will impact the thread "views". Color Green and Red elicit very high response rates (red more so than green), put some color in your post. Overdo it and you will reverse the effect. Call to Action What do you want people to do? Your call to action needs to mimic what is reasonable, if you expect people to open your thread then immediately call you and schedule a service appointment then your content needs to match that call to action. Reputation Second to subject your relationship with people impacts open rates, if people trust/know/want to read what you have to say they will. If people don't recognize you or assosciate just one of your efforts with "unwanted" the marketing response goes down each time they are exposed to it. Just my $.02 so remember what you paid for it.
  18. Wait! So I can't say "I'm going to molest JRM the next time I see him"?!? What about if I don't say it violently... like "I'm going to molest JRM the next time I see him, if he doesn't protest too much"? :-D
  19. YOU LOST ALL THE DATAS?!?!? Awesome work fixing it That coulda been ugly "the crash of 2009"
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