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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. holy shit the most witty comment made to date on this forum
  2. LOL I don't know, I hadn't seen that, but that's an awesome idea to test!
  3. Man if you're going to go for bad gas mileage may as well do it in style. http://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/2008car1tablef.jsp?id=28534 2010 lambo
  4. I was going to say, she's pretty hot, those spasms might just add to the awesomeness, I mean think about it :-D Anyway, you notice how her boyfriend/husband is still with her, if she was butt ugly and had that happen he'd be GONE! And this wouldn't be a media story.
  5. Is it the lower or the upper that has to be shipped to an FFL? Edit: nm, looks like lower... hmmmmmmmmmmm tempting!
  6. k, I'll gather some info, I know my buddy's mom runs a silkscreening shop, but I don't know how much the prices are, the last price I got was 1 color back one.
  7. People that HAVEN'T received the shot are not a risk until they are exposed to it. If someone un vaccinated is exposed then they have the same likelihood to be resistant to the virus as they would be if they got the vaccine (probably less so because the vaccine is a weaker strain).
  8. It was an unfair comparison you are right, but I'm an asshole :-D People that get the flu vaccine and people that don't get the flu are the same in terms of risk of spreading it. This isn't like outbreak, where a monkey gets it and exhibits no signs and can kill the entire population. Let's not forget, the flu kills between 250,000 and 500,000 worldwide per year. [CDC]
  9. Man I must be on ignore or something.
  10. I never said CARRIER I said you gotta crack a few eggs to make an omellette. If we could cure cancer tomorrow, but 50% of the people that get the treatment may die, I say it's worth it to continue with the treatment. If I get cancer I'd have the personal choice, 50% chance of survival vs X% I MAY go into remission? It's a personal choice. Mandatory vs optional, if it means SOMEONE has to die so the rest can live, you have to take the majority, it sucks I know, and if it was me who was dying or got the side effects I'm sure I'd bitch. But if it meant my family didn't because I was the 1% then it's worth it.
  11. You guys need to put the tin foil hats back on. Ok yes, it's tragic, but that's modern medicine. Would you prefer they seek a 0% side effect vaccine but millions more need to die (and they may never create the perfect vaccine) or have 1 person die and the entire population is vaccinated. Don't take tylenol, 1 in 10 million dies. don't take aspirin, 1 in 5 million develop cancer, don't breath, 1 in 500 people gets cancer. Don't ride a motorcycle, 1 in 200 people die. (made all these numbers up) Tragic? Yes. Reason to be afraid? No.
  12. Holy crap, avoid the smallpox vaccine too!!!!!! Mild to Moderate Problems Mild rash, lasting 2-4 days. Swelling and tenderness of lymph nodes, lasting 2-4 weeks after the blister has healed. Fever of over 100 degrees fahrenheit (about 70% of children, 17% of adults) or over 102 degrees Fahrenheit (about 15%-20% of children, under 2% of adults). Secondary blister elsewhere on the body (about 1 per 1,900). Moderate to Severe Problems Serious eye infection, or loss of vision, due to spread of vaccine virus to the eye. Rash on entire body (as many as 1 per 4,000). Severe rash on people with eczema (as many as 1 per 26,000). Encephalitis (severe brain reaction), which can lead to permanent brain damage (as many as 1 per 83,000). Severe infection beginning at the vaccination site (as many as 1 per 667,000, mostly in people with weakened immune systems). Death (1-2 per million, mostly in people with weakened immune systems).
  13. yah, I was hoping someone saved them
  14. The problem is with "what is credible information enough that we should throw out the constitution and do everything we can to get whatever information that person might have." We're talking about throwing out ALL rights for those people, due process, swift trial, etc. All for "credible information." And there is NOTHING to protect US citizens here... if someone is a US Citizen they can be held as enemies of the state. As JRM mentioned, it's been shown that people undergoing torture or any physical duress simply provide whatever information they can to STOP THE THREAT, not necessarily true information. Now I don't necessarily think slapping someone or throwing them into a wall is "torture" but if you did that to Joe Smith in Akron he'd sue for police abuse... so at what point do we go from "arrested for trespassing" and "spying for terrorists"? I'll be the first to argue "asking politely" isn't going to get us anywhere, but I also don't think torture, mass arrest, etc etc will solve the problem either.
  15. I have reason to believe you have knowledge of a terrorist attack. Now you are subject to interrogation and torture, congrats, hope you didn't want your civil liberties or freedom. I don't actually have any information and that was simply political satire to express a point, noone in the FBI/CIA/DHS should torture Dave.
  16. That's pretty awesome... Right now I'm at 150 and I still have some fuel left... I'm a bit confused... I've been filling up right at 100 as soon as I'd switch to reserve but now I know I can make it quite a bit more if I had to.
  17. I remember it all going down but I didn't think she was going to bail!
  18. ^^ How many colors, vector art provided? what type of shirts and what quantity?
  19. intense I want to know what's blacked out on page 3 with the bug section!
  20. Got my order... this thing is amazing!
  21. See that's what's wrong! I don't know if I love REAL Mexican food... I'd hope so... I love spice!
  22. I'll tell you what, 2 batteries, 1 stylus, 1 wall charger, 1 chrome screen protector for your bike. Not going to get a better deal than that! Gotta hurry though, once my manager finds out about this he's going to take the deal away.
  23. deal, even trade NO TAKESIE BACKSIES
  24. buy them from me, then sell them when you get a new phone :-D
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