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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. They all look the same anyway. Reverends that is.
  2. Likwid

    Best Condoms

    What do you mean waiting? You sent me a PM about MJ with her cell number and address as soon as you found out.
  3. Yes, playing devil's advocate for my argument of "everyone should get the shots".
  4. But if you all get the shot then I don't need it
  5. Well, 2 hours of time elapsed and speaking to 8 different people, I've got a TP2 ordered as a replacement for my TP. I checked out the Hero at the store, I just can't get past no physical keyboard. We'll see how that works out!
  6. It only takes once, personally I don't think I should get Mumps, Polio, HepB, HepA, and Diptheria, because really, what are the odds I'm going to even get them? And, if you guys all get it, then I don't need it.
  7. Likwid

    Best Condoms

    Mayonnaise is gone?
  8. Gixxi plays too much wow
  9. Likwid

    Hunting in Ohio

    They could hunt on public land, no?
  10. Likwid

    Best Condoms

    ROFLMAO IcyHot makes a great lube, true story
  11. Likwid

    Best Condoms

    Sure she can That's just an excuse so she doesn't have to have sex with you. Put some in her food without her knowing
  12. It wasn't until after this post people started crapping. IMHO if you bump a thread wondering why people aren't buying something you're opening it up for people to explain why.
  13. hehe, I understand, it's a bad comparison but you know how it is It's all gravy!
  14. But that theory only comes into play when you know you're speeding. What if you THOUGHT the speed limit was 35 and you were driving 35... but the speed limit was 25, so you get a ticket for going 10 over. What about when the speed limit is 35, you know it's 35, but you drive 45 anyway. That's still 10 over, but now it's a harder punishment because you KNEW the speed limit was 35. My whole point is just, 10 mph is 10 mph, treat them both the same. Hate crime legislation looks to penalize the 2nd scenario more than the first.
  15. You're not making the argument right... you're saying it's ok to break the law if it's a dumb law or just because you want to I don't want to be punished for speeding, so either you eliminate speeding laws or I just stop caring Not too far off base, I imagine your JK was to avoid people getting mad, but it's a pretty good example. I don't think we should punish people differently for things they may not know Man beats up loud mouth = assault Man beats up gay loud mouth = hate crime If you say "this guy is gay, and I'm going to beat him up" it's premeditated.
  16. But what you fail to realize is that guy who was mouthing off and got his ass kicked... if he was gay the guy beating him up gets a stronger penalty even if he didn't know. They just have to prove the person doing the beating "hates gays"
  17. FMLA and STD are different, FMLA protects your job, STD pays you.
  18. I believe maternity/paternity leave is covered under short term disability, I know I get 100% of pay for up to 13 weeks or something, then 40% for disability, but you can enroll in a buy-up to 60%. I know I'm eligible to take disability if my wife has a baby, it's covered under the "care for another individual that is eligible for disability", interesting though.
  19. @Kruel: you're right but that relates more to planning/execution not to the intent. Murder is Murder, doesn't matter if you did it because you hate someone for fucking your wife or for fucking your wife and is black.
  20. Hey! Don't be hassling me over my lack of a life.
  21. If she gets pregnant, no. If she has a baby, yes. But fathers need to have the same privilege if you go that route.
  22. EXACTLY If you want equal rights then you must accept equal laws.
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